Chapter 18: Mutant Gangland

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I didn't like this. I've been getting bad feelings about Raph lately and it's gradually getting worse. He's more... hot headed than usual. He's been blowing me off to train instead. And I've been getting worried. Especially now that he was training against Leo.

But what was supposed to be a training match quickly turned into an actual fighting and wrestling match.

"The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. Now quit playing games and show me what you really got!" Raph glared at his brother.

We watched from the sidelines as he started becoming more and more aggressive, punching Leo relentlessly and repeatedly before slamming Leo down to the ground.

"Raphael! Enough!" Father stepped in and pushed him back, allowing Leo to stand up as he was hunched over in pain.

"Come on, Leo. Scared of a real fight?" Raph retorted.

"No, I'm scared you've been getting more and more hostile and pulling away from the team. What gives?" Leo asked.

"I'm tired of training with kid gloves. No one's pulling punches out there. Why should we do it in here?" He glared and pushed Leo back.

"Raph-" I wanted to step in and intervene but Donnie held me back and shook his head no.

"Teishi! Because you are brothers, and your goal here is to train." Father stated sternly.

"Sensei. Why do you always stick up for Leo? I'm the only one who takes training seriously. The rest of em are just goofing off all the time. Besides Myra, maybe." He growled.

"'No one appreciates me'. Back on the everyone loves Leo' routine? Get some new material, you big baby." Donnie mocked.

"Donatello!" I scolded him.

"That's it! If you guys don't want to take this as seriously as I do, then I quit! I'm done. Through. Adios!" Raph stormed off, leaving the lair.

"Raph, baby-" I stood up and tried to go after him but he stopped me.

"No! Princess, just don't. Not now." He growled again before leaving the lair.

I sighed and shook my head, growing more worried about my boyfriend.

"How many times has he quit the team, now?" Leo questioned.

"Hm, twenty seven times now." Donnie stated.

"You have a brilliant mind, Donatello, yet you see a fire and try to put it out with gasoline. You are growing up, my sons and daughter, and you must become more mature. One day, I will not be around to remind you of your foibles." Father said.

"Father, don't say that. You still have a while with us." I reassured him.

"Is a 'foible' that little dangly thing in the back of my throat?" Mikey asked. And why did that question remind me of a song?

"Ugh. 'Foible' means a weakness of character, shellbrain." Donnie stated.

"Father, listen. You've made it through the worst of the worst, and we're gonna make sure that nothing can-"

"Everything is impermanent, Myrina. You cannot expect anything to last forever, even family. You must know this." He told me.

I sighed heavily, feeling as if I was about to cry. "Father, please. Don't remind me of how this cruel world works."

"We were going to have this discussion sooner or later. You need to understand that not everything before you is permanent. It is hard, but you must come to terms with it before it's too late."

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