Chapter 2: The Moons Of Thalos 3

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Triceraton ships surrounded us, blasting their lasers at the ship to try and take us down. We were seated in our stations, trying to do whatever we could to fight back.

"Professor, there's too many of them! What do we do?!" Donnie shouted.

"We take evasive action!" He replied.

Fugitoid tried to steer the ship away from the incoming aircrafts, constantly being blasted out while trying to remain in the sky but that was easier said than done.

"I think we're almost out of this!" April shouted.

That was until the Ulixes started to lose control and begin to fall, heading straight towards a conveniently nearby planet.

"Or not!" Casey said.

"I recommend we take plunging into the lethal, crushing gravity of that gas giant philosophically." Fugitoid stated.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I asked.

"It means we're all gonna DIE!" He yelled.

"I hate space! I hate it! I really do!" Raph yelled.

The ship went crashing down, causing all of us to topple and be flung around the ship without anything to keep us strapped down. It even felt like the ship bumped into something just before we crash landed on the planet that was covered with iciness and freezing cold temperatures all around.

We safely exited out of the ship, immediately shivering at the cold harsh weather that we were welcomed to.

"Whoa. Temperatures on this moon are negative one hundred eighty degrees celsius." Donnie stated, checking the readings on his technological staff.

"So cold, even in this suit. Aren't the turtles gonna freeze?" April asked, rubbing her arms for warmth.

"No, the suits permeate a warm, invisible force field, like a second skin. Cozy, right?" Fugitoid asked.

"Uh. I'm pretty sure my shell froze to my butt."

"TMI, Mikey." I groaned then shivered harshly.

Fugitoid walked up to examine the damage that was done to the ship, cringing at the sight of it.

"What's it looking like, Fugitoid?" Leo asked.

"If I had to categorize our situation, it would fall somewhere between 'probably doomed' and 'unequivocally doomed'." He stated.

"Wait. So no power? We won't be able to charge our suits!" Raph exclaimed.

"And worse, we've only got a couple hours of oxygen and heat left." Donnie added.

"Oh, man. I was supposed to go out in a blaze of glory, with, like, giant transforming robots frying me with lasers. Not like this!" Casey complained, making me roll my eyes.

I trailed over to look past the vast open icy horizon, admiring its beautiful but dangerous habitat. I looked up and gasped in awe when I saw a small type of ice dragon looking creature land on the top of my helmet. I smiled up at it and delicately held my hand out and it jumped down onto my palm. "Wow... you're a strange but beautiful snow creature, aren't ya?" I marveled at the snow dragon as it jumped up and quickly flew away from sight. "Guys!" I called out to them. "There's life on this planet!"

"Nonsense. This moon is made of methane ice. No life can survive here. Beep." Fugitoid dismissed.

"But... I saw it. This beautiful place... harbors beautiful creatures." I stated.

"Look, right now we need to find a way to get the ship fixed. We can worry about that later." Donnie spoke up, walking past me as he got out his staff to scan the area. "Yes! Irrilium metal. Lots of it! About ten klicks away. Ooh, looks like it's refined, too." What was Irrilium metal randomly and conveniently doing here?

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