Chapter 5: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons

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(It took me a while to finally make my OC, but here's Myrina. Made her myself.)

We were currently staking out the Triceratons' Mothership, not far from the nearest planet that gave me a weird vibe. Our ship was hidden behind a few wayward asteroids to remain out of sights, but I'm not sure if we could be easily seen or not.

"They can't see us on radar, right, Fugitoid? You sure this is gonna work?" Raph asked, having the same doubts as me.

"The Triceratons are convinced the first piece of the black hole generator is on that planet. We just need to reach it first." He replied.

But, that planet... it just kept giving off some strong and negative vibes which itched me the wrong way. But I couldn't place it.

"I'm just gonna say it now. Something's not right about this mission." April spoke up.

"You feel it too, huh?" I added to which she nodded at.

Ignoring our off feelings, we all gathered inside the smaller scout ship, activating the cloaking screen so we couldn't be spotted as we headed towards the odd planet. But again, I had my doubts.

"Finally, a little excitement. It's been like a whole week since something awesome happened!" Casey exclaimed.

The closer we got to the planet the more unsettled it made me feel. At this point I just couldn't ignore it anymore. "That world, it's radiating a strange power. Like pure evil. We're flying into danger, Professor." I warned.

"Evil, you say? Nonsense. This is Xaava-Dal. The oldest, most beautiful paradise planet in the universe. It is gorgeous down there." He reassured us. But I wasn't buying it. Seems like only April and I had the right idea.

We arrived at the planet, parking the scout ship out of sight just in case. But when we exited out and stepped ground on the planet, the place was more eerie and creepy than before and the atmosphere was thick with a strange and bizarre aura. I hated it. It weighed me down like a ton of bricks.

"Ah, Fugitoid!" Casey complained when he realized that the Professor was wrong.

"Well, I am, you know, occasionally wrong." He admitted. It's not his fault. This place is just... ugh, I don't even know how to describe it.

I even had the odd feeling that we were being watched but I couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary. At least, for this planet's habitat.

"Whoa, this place is like-"

"Pure evil maybe? Like we sort of warned about earlier? Yeah, no one listens to the psychics." April cut Casey off.

"All of the flora and fauna here are very strange. I don't understand these readings at all." Donnie said as he checked the scans on his staff.

We walked around a little to get a feel of the place when all of a sudden a weird looking creature popped out from the jungle like area that surrounded us.

"Whoa. Aww! Little space monkey, cat-rat thing. Aren't you, uh, cute?" Mikey leaned down to try and pet the creature, but before I could stop him he got bit and the creature ran away.

"Nice one, genius. Now you probably have space rabies." Raph replied sarcastically. Although, it could be true.

"Space rabies? AHHH!" Mikey shouted in horror.

"Calm down. You're fine. I'd know if you were in danger." I assured him.

"This world, it was once a vast, beautiful garden. It held ancient repositories of all the sacred knowledge in the cosmos. Not a single piece of technology was ever built here. The Aeons must've fled. Without their divine power, look at this world." Fugitoid explained.

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