Chapter 12: The Evil Of Dregg

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After the whole virus situation that caused the ship to take a bit of a beating, we had to stop by a nearby station to repair a lot of things before we got moving again. Luckily, we were close to having everything back online. I was zipping back and forth, checking over the computer screens to make sure everything was one hundred percent a-ok.

"Status, everyone?" Leo called out.

"The tachyon drive is repaired. We are fully fueled and functional. Yeah, boy!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Systems back online and running smoothly, Captain Leonardo!" I added, giving out a playful salute to him which he laughed at.

"Bros, I have important news." Mikey called out to us after just walking in from downstairs. "The Holo simulator is repaired, and Mikey's Pepperoni Pizza Land Theme Park simulation is almost complete!"

"If you built it, I don't want to see it." Raph replied.

"Hello, we've got way more important things to worry about right now, Mikey." Leo said sternly.

"Hey, speaking of the long list of things for us to worry about, we still don't have enough Zemulaks to fix the time jump engine. Has anyone thought about that?" Donnie asked.

"My friends, I know this journey has been arduous, but there is still a chance. If we can destroy the last piece of the black hole generator, at least we can slow the Triceratons down." Fugitoid reassured us.

I nodded in agreement before I jolted at the sound of a familiar alarm ringing. I headed back to my station and looked down at the screens. "An incoming distress call. To us." I answered the call and to my surprise it was Mona Lisa on the other end.

"Mona Lisa?" Raph and I both questioned.

"Brave Raphael and Myrina, we were attacked. Commander G'Throkka has been captured. I need your help."

"Captured? By who?" Raph asked.

"A vile bounty hunter called Armaggon."

We all gasped in shock when hearing that name as Casey cheered. I thought that the space monster ate him and Dregg! They survived?!

"We'll help, Mona. Come on by so we can talk and formulate a plan." I said.

She nodded her head before the call ended. She had been driving her ship next to us and entered inside the Ulixes, heading up to the main room to greet us.

I smiled and rushed up to greet her as Raph did the same. Ever since he got them to trust us we've been close friends in space. She's one of the few aliens we trusted. And that's saying a lot.

"It brings me such great joy to see you both again." She smiled at us.

"We're happy that you're alright." Raph added.

"Now tell us what happened. Why did Armaggon capture the commander?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. All I know is Armaggon has captured G'Throkka and delivered him to the planet Sectoid 1." She explained.

"That's Lord Dregg's home world. He controls the entire system." Fugitoid stated.

"The Explorer's Guide to the Universe says it's one of the most feared, evil parts of the cosmos. This is gonna be a blast." April said sarcastically.

"We'll help you rescue Sal Commander. He's one of us." Raph reassured Mona.

"And we always help our friends." Leo added.

"Very well then. Course to Sectoid 1 plotted, initiating tachyon warp." Fugitoid started up the ship, sending it blasting off in light speed through the swirling galaxy.

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