Chapter 21: Darkest Plight

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Darkness. It clouded my head. A misty fog that shrouded me in isolation. I hated it. Fear was all around me. I saw... shadows. Like they were spirits. Or demons. Was I alive? Or... what? What happened? Wait... no. I remember. The memories played like a video recording.

Father fell with Super Shredder down into the darkest pit. All I could hear were his screams as they both went plummeting to their presumed deaths. I screamed, cried, sobbed, and called out to him, but it was as if I wasn't actually there. Just witnessing everything.

The fog slowly faded, completely surrounding me in darkness. I screamed when I saw that monstrous figure of Super Shredder. He was about to lay his final blow on me like he did so to Tang Shen when suddenly...

"NO!" I woke up screaming and crying out in fear, thrashing around as if I was trying to block and protect myself from whatever I thought was danger.

"MYRA! Myra, princess! Calm down! It's us!" I heard a familiar voice call out but I was too lost in my fearful mind to listen.

I felt my hands being grabbed onto and I tried to pull away, wanting to do nothing but fight ack against who I thought was my enemy.

"Myra! Sweetheart, calm down. It's us. It's me. Leo. It's Leo..." I heard him gently whisper into my ear which helped calm me down a bit.

I slowly opened my blurry eyes, noticing light blue eyes staring back down at me. I panted heavily to try and gain my lost breath from screaming so much. He lifted his hand up and gently wiped away my shedding tears as Raph was crouched down next to me, gently stroking my hair.

Finally, I was calm enough to understand everything. We were back in the lair. Our safe home. But... it felt empty without father.

"Everyone can relax! Casey Jones is here!" I jolted when I heard Casey walk in then instantly calmed down. "So what's the deal? Why'd I get, like, hundreds of emergency texts? The pizza delivery guy disappear?"

"No. Splinter disappeared. He... he fell down that huge chasm in the undercity." April explained in devastation.

"Whoa. That's deep, yo."

"I... I've definitely lost my mental connection with father. But that doesn't mean he's gone! We can't give up hope! I won't! I can't lose him!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh, calm down, Myra. Everything will be alright. We're going back. We'll search every inch of that hole if we have to. We'll find Master Splinter. And we'll stop anything that gets in our way." Leo stated determinedly before offering me his hand. "Count on it."

I weakly smiled and allowed him to help up my weakened body. Even though I was so out of it, I had to help.

We all suit up in preparation, some of them wearing the harnesses so that they could go searching the chasm.

"Wait, dudes. How come the B team has to do this mission?" Mikey complained.

"Because we're gonna guard you from the Super Shredder. Unless you'd like to switch jobs." Leo retorted.

"Spelunking, it is." Mikey said.

"So if Shredder is still alive, and his goons show up..." April trailed off.

"We'll be ready. For Sensei." Raph stated.

"For father!" Karai added.

Now knowing what the plan was, we headed back down the sewers and made our way back to where the undercity was.

"I'll stay here on look out. The rest of you, hurry up. Master Splinter needs you." Leo ordered.

"We'll stay with you, Leo." April offered.

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