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"I longed for moments by your side,
But fate denied, let's take it in stride.

This helplessness, four hundred fold,
Tangled, ensnared, in a tale untold.

You know it all, yet you failed to see,
Let's move on, it's fine, let it be.

I never sought to show my pain,
Even to friends, my grievances in vain.

Unheard, the cries within my chest,
Still, I stayed silent, it's for the best.


Grandma(Dadu) was back from her trip to her hometown.

Now she was pampering him all. New dishes were prepared for him. He had really forgotten why he had come back here in the midst of all of them.

It was Sunday. Everyone was home enjoying the weekend. It's been almost a week, him being back.

Ever since he returned Amy was hiding from him. He could not understand what had happened to her. It was the same Amy who was telling him to come back crying and whining all the while. He was literally confused at her behavior.

Even now he wanted to see her and asked Appiah about her whereabouts. Her feet were not completely healed but she was busy doing house chores and helping her mother.

She told him that she was in their room. So he came to her and Appiah's common room and found her sleeping peacefully. She was wearing her comfy dress, brown trousers with black full sleeve shirt.

He pulled out her chair from the study table and sat next to her bed. His eyes were fixed on her face that was almost covered with her short hair. He leaned over her and gently stroked her hair away from her face. He was used doing that.

Her features were now visible. He smiled heartily as he remembered the way she used to sleep when she was a kid. She hadn't changed it even a little bit. Frowning, pouted lips as she was irritated by something even in her sleep.

With his elbows on his knees and face cupped with hands, he kept looking at her face lovingly. The door opened with a soft sound and Appiah entered with a tray of food in her hands. He smiled at her softly.

She woke up from her trance. The way he looked at Amy, the longing in his shiny eyes, the look on his face, his body language......everything was screaming just one thing that she didn't want to know, the only thing that she couldn't accept that easily.

"wake her up and feed her. She has been sleeping for a long time. You can accompany her." She said placing the tray on the side table, containing her own emotions at bay.

"Let her sleep. She looks relaxed, we'll disturb her." He denied.

"But even if she doesn't eat on time, she'll be crying with a headache and her health deteriorates. She has eating disorder. She's been taking meds to stay healthy. " Appiah told him, considering it necessary.

He was surprised. He didn't knew that. He was told, she got sick when he left for abroad unannounced. But it was that serious, it was unknown to him.

"No one felt it to tell me, we face called, and remained in contact but....." he left the sentence incomplete. Hurt was laced in his voice.

"We didn't want to worry you, you yourself were facing so many things at that time. We couldn't burden you more."

"But she is related to me. Her problems are mine. But it's not your job to take care of her. It was mine. What could someone do if I myself left her alone. It's all my fault." He was blaming himself.

Amy was wide awake at their voices, although they were talking in low voice.

"What are you doing here? Disturbing my beauty sleep?" She said with sarcasm getting up.

"Oh, I brought you your lunch, it's time, you've to take your medicine." Appiah directed her, pointing her finger to the tray.

"It's getting cold, hurry up. I'm waiting for you. Wash your hands and face." He said trying to patt her head but she retreated leaving her hand in the air. Clenching his hand, he backed off.

She left the bed, and neatening her clothes she entered the bathroom within her room.

Zainab left the room handing him over her medication from drawer of her side table and giving him the instructions how to give her meds. He was thinking about something, looking at not so certain point.

Shabby asked Hisham to convince elders to let him go abroad for higher studies. He able to get permission. And now Sha'ban was on cloud nine. He was preparing his luggage and doing some shopping.

Hisham was accompanying his grandmother and grandpa.

Uncle and Daddy were at their office. Aunt and Appiah busy in kitchen or instructing servants.

Safi was observing everyone, sighing loudly, as he was tired too much. They were sitting in the lounge. Amy was busy in the T.V. watching her favorite show when she noticed him.

"Your sighs are enough to drop the temperature. We don't have to turn the fan or A.C. on. It's freezing." She mocked him.

"You should be thankful to me than, dear cousin." Why'd he give up when it's Amy as your rival. Rolling his eyes he mimicked.

"Oh yeah! What about those boys who bullied you?? Uncle visited your school, right?" She asked him as she remembered it.

"There parents were called, principal made them write a petition for confession of their acts and write an apology letter to me. Then they were asked to leave the school."He said last sentence raising his imaginary collars.

"That's cool. They deserved it. You should've told him that that was not their first time. They've done these things before as well."

"Don't worry, other victims stood up against them too. Principal was too pressured so he had to stuck them off." He explained everything. "Oh, Rushna's aunty kicked her out. Oh my Allah!" He exclaimed peeking at the screen where Amy's favorite heroine was being a crying mess.

She was all attentive now watching her favorite actress sobbing bitterly and begging her aunt to let her in.


We've found a lost memory at every step that we have gone through.


Feel free to tell me my mistakes. Please vote, comment and share if you like it. 🥰 Thank you for reading and making some time for it; my precious fellows and for visiting my profile. love for all of you.💖💝

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