part : 35

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Kiddo!!" And her heart broke into tears.

He too was teary seeing her crying. It was first time she saw his father removing the mask of coldness and showing his weak side to the world.

And it was long time... it was a long time since someone called her by that name 'Kiddo' and with those emotions. That name brought many memories with it. Tear escaping her eye rolled down her cheek.

She took phone from his hands and placed on her ear.

"Why? Why did you have to do it? Wasn't she your love?" She asked in quivering voice, sobbing, trying to clear her eyes from continously flowing tears with the back of her hands like a kid. Hisham held her hand to comfort her, drawing random patterns.

"I didn't intend to kill her, believe me Kiddo! I, too, didn't wanted it in first hand. I just had a wish to avenge Zerminé. I don't know how it all happened."

"Avenging Zerminé by killing your wife, the one you loved!" She choked asking him. He shook his head.

"No, no!" He denied.

He still remembered that day clearly when he ordered that man. He ordered him to kill that kid somehow. Yes he didn't wanted to kill his wife but his intentions were to kill that kid. He was 'Shahzor Areeb Khan's' son.

His man told him he had done his job. He was in his office. He was surprised to find that boy was out at that time alone. He was unaware that his wife, too, was with him.

Later he found out through news and he was left not believing his ears were listening to.

In the end, kid was still alive.

He was in shock for some time but soon he healed. He tried again but gave up when he saw his daughter dependent upon him. He was handling her very well.

He did something else. He started to poison his head with things against his birth father. He told that he didn't wanted him. But the fact was something else.

No one knew that Shahzor Areeb Khan came many time to him to get his son back but every time he was kicked out without listening to him.

He wanted to make him feel the pain he felt what his sister felt.

Shahzor Areeb Khan was remorseful at his own actions but he didn't knew that she'd die. He apologized many times but was left unanswered.

"So it was his fault to born as 'his' son? That makes him deserved to be killed? You failed but you tried that again when he became my husband, why?"

"I stopped then, when he started to take care of you. But he was obsessed with you that's why he married you."
He glared at Hisham sitting calmly by her side.

Her eyes flickered as she clutched her other hand into fists. Hisham sighed unfolding her hand.

"Calm down!" She tried to ignore his words but unknowingly relaxed her tensed shoulder leaning back into her chair.

"Who told you this great information?" She asked with a mocking smile.

"I knew it and... Zainab told me. She told me that they're in love. This man you call as your husband and have affection for, is same as his father. She showed me how he used her and then he tortured her feelings. He must married you because he couldn't let you go and be someone else's possession."

"So you believed her more than anything! And you tried to kill him?"

"I didn't want you to end up like your aunt, my sister. I didn't want you to die in the hands of that man's son. You know 'like father like son' so I did that to change your fate."

"And you kidnapped your daughter through the man of same family. He had yours sister's blood too flowing in his veins. But that man yo used to kidnap me was purely that man's relative, pure blood. And you expected something kind from him, but not from the one you saw growing up with your own eyes! What a wise choice Daddy!" She shouted loudly through the speaker at him showing her anger.

"Zaighum khanzada loved you Kiddo! You were unhappy to hear your marriage with this man. You refused at first. Anyone can know that you didn't liked him in that way." He tried to tell her.

"I was a young teen, how could I know of my feelings. When I found out that Zainab was his fiancee, I was shocked. I was sick for days. I was young but I knew I can't see him with anyone this close to him. I didn't knew but I was jealous, Daddy! And you say I didn't liked him? I was shocked, everything was so sudden, I couldn't understand anything and you thought I disliked him?" She snapped at him angrily. Hisham lowered his head.

"You thought he'll hurt me and you decided to kill him? The man who forgot to sleep, who starved coz I wasn't well and not eating anyting and cried for days thinking he'll lose me too after his Auny mama... the man who brought me up and cared for me better than any mother would hurt me?"

"How did you..." Hisham was surprised at her memory.

"I was not a kid then Khanu! I was 8 or 9 And 8 years old can at least understand this much." She said in a calmer tone.

"I thought you.."

"Yeah! You thought I won't remember anything." She rolled her eyes at him. Then tuned his attention to his father.

"I'm what I'm today because of him. Otherwise those kids without a mother are lost in this cruel world. But I was brought up well, Daddy. I love everyone but he was the one who cared for me even when other would disgust me. You too... Daddy! You too were busy with yourself."

"I'm sorry Kiddo! I'm sorry, I couldn't be a good father for you. Forgive me please. Don't turn your back to me!" He said with hopeful eyes. She rubbed her cheeks with her sleeves to remove the stains of dried tears.

"I'm sorry but... I can't forgive you. I hope, I'll meet a different man soon. Who cares for his principals and his 'Kiddo'." Putting the receiver down on the cradle she left the room with weekend legs leaving two behind.


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