part : 36 (last episode)

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"So everything got right!" She asked smiling peacefully gazing at the small stars like thousands of colorful lights glittering the whole city at night time. They were at the terrace of a luxurious suite in Grand Joshua hotel.
They were on a trip. Hisham had some business matters to handle there and she came along him turning that business trip in a tour.

"But why does it seems like a dream? A fairytale like happy ending!" Se really was a5mazed at the scene. It just look like it came alive from some fantasy book. She was in a daze. He chuckled at her reaction and shook his head lightly. He slowly turned to face her and his hands resting on her shoulders he looked in her shiny eyes.

"Gosh! you're being too dramatic! It's not like we won't face problems in our life for the rest of time. But at least it won't be like what was in past. we'll try our best that doesn't repeat itself."

"Past! yeah we should call it Past.. as it'd happened already." Her eyes roamed on his features for a while then understanding his words she nodded.

"Pain should be left in past. What we should carry with us is happiness and love. Achievements we got after our sufferings." She said her thoughts aloud. He laughed lowering his neck.

"Are you a philosopher?" She glared and then asked in soft tone.

"What's your achievement?"

"Mine? What I got after all these sufferings is you, Yours love... That's my reward I got after a hard time." She was surprised at his choice of words. It was not her first time finding this quality of his that he was good at sweet sugary words but still it amazed her.


"Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for being a reason for me to live. Or... I would've been a lost soul." He embraced her from one side, both had their eyes on small round lights.

"That's you who taught me to live and love."

"And You taught me to speak, to walk, and literally, everything. You know I'd be the first wife brought up by her husband." She replied with a glint in her beautiful eyes.

"yeah I know now I can't even complain to anyone upon your habits. No need to remind me." He rolled his eyes showing fake helplessness dropping his head on her shoulder.

"Karma, you know!" She tried to lift his head with her index finger but instead he decided to put all weight on her.

"Yeah, Little did I knew then I was preparing a hell hole for the rest of my life. I did it thinking it as good deed". Shutting his eyes he said mischievously. She awed at his words and jerked him away from her, placing her ands on her hips she inquired.

"So now I'm the 'hellhole' . I'm a punishment for you?"

"No, you're the love." He gave a charming smile to her patting her head. She huffed and turned away from him as to indicate boycott.

"Thank you!" At his gratitude she squinted her eyes facing him.

"For what?"

"For Love!..." Holding her hands, he kissed her knuckles and continued.

"...For giving me life I'd given upon, only if it were not you at the end of dark tunnel, shining and lighting my way waiting for me."

"It was yout reward, already decided by your fate at the end for you!" She said wisely.

"Yeah! a wife like you surely is a reward for a sinner like me." He gave the credit to her.

"So, you should cherish me for the rest of your life." She boasted.

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