☆*: .Love, death & bloody arrows

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I got no requests so I'm doing something for my platonic husband Sam.

Name credit: an irl

Pspspspspspsps heyyyy treebark enjoyers


When you're in a life-or-death situation, your mind doesn't bother to think rationally. If someone you trust tells you to do something, you do it almost without hesitation, feeling little remorse after. Yet it hits you like a truck after you do it, and you feel sad, instead of confused.

Well, that depends on the situation. But oh, that's exactly what Martyn felt, after the axe in his hands cluttered to the ground, eyes staring straight at the horrible thing he'd done. It's quite sad, really, even with the notion that it wasn't Ren's last life. But it hurt nonetheless, the stupid action having permanent consequences and bringing his lover closer to death. Never before had Martyn been so afraid, never before has he felt so miserable, yet he can't help it. He can hear the sounds of sheets shuffling on the bed to his right, looking in that direction and towards the open window, forcing a small smile as the brunet he knows all too well, now with red eyes, loyal and sharp, fitting for a king, looks at him with no hint of fear in his expression. Determination fills the man's face, in a way that Martyn finds quite terrifying. Yet he shows none of those emotions towards the man he's vowed to serve, and accidentally loved.

( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~→

Truth be told, Ren didn't quite seem like himself anymore. Not too much, not to the point it became incredibly concerning. He still showed the tiniest bit of affection, but he's always been that way. Martyn didn't mind it that much, but the need for blood that the other had was at least the slightest bit worrying. He didn't want any accidents happening within their own walls, and therefore, it was a self-chosen responsibility of his to keep the mighty red king calm, and it was quite difficult every few times. For example, some days, when Ren was in a better mood, it'd be easier. They'd comfort each other, perhaps even try different activities together. Martyn takes care of Ren's hair, braiding it and brushing it. Sometimes he insults his fashion sense in a playful manner, which ends in a small bicker, usually ending in a quiet chuckle and a comforting embrace. Martyn doesn't mind any of the affection, or just spending time with the other. In fact, it's the closest they've ever been, even with the threat of death and war hanging above their heads. Something that they started, and they couldn't stop. Those little moments of peace are exactly what they needed, and it made Martyn value life, not fear death.

Those were, indeed, happy and comfortable moments. But the blond couldn't ignore the crimson-coloured eyes of his partner. That's what Ren was, right? It's the closest term to what he'd ever be, and it'll never quite be revealed. But fear was, indeed, present in the man's mind. Fear that they'll lose control, for in this world, led by such bloodthirsty forces, even the smallest mistake will make you end up dead. He knew that they didn't have much time left. Win or lose, they'd both soon die. Ren always said that he's a bit too negative, that he should look on the bright side every once in a while, but what's the bright side like in a world of darkness?

Martyn was lost in thought, hands loosening around the other's dark hair, as Ren hummed slightly in confusion, turning around and looking at him, smiling. No words were needed, only one look was shared, and they both knew what the other felt. The brunet sighed softly, slowly reaching over and grabbing his hand, a gesture that usually would've made Martyn embarrassed, yet all he did is squeeze back, looking up at the other and hugging him shortly after. A moment in which two feared people, a king, and his right-hand man, were vulnerable. Only for each other. Only then.

( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~→

Battlefields never terrified Martyn, as the mention of death didn't bother him in the slightest. He's been in places before, and changed again, and again, until he became who he is. Paranoid, sure, but not afraid. Voices whispering in his ear, yet not in an uncomfortable way. Martyn actually found it quite reassuring. In a way, the mention of battle lit up a spark inside of him.

But this time, the tiniest bit of fear found its way into Martyn's body. Not fear of what might happen to him, surprisingly, but of what might happen to the man on his left. Ren wasn't in the best condition, neither mentally nor physically. Yet he continued to fight, and oh, Martyn admired him for it. Even if they were forced to back up multiple times, that doesn't mean that they'd give up. He'd keep fighting, to the point where it got worrying.

So many had died, and yet there they stood, alive, everything looking quite good for them. Separated, on different corners of the base which they built themselves from the ground up, yet fighting their enemies like it's the last thing they do.

And it might as well be.

( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~→

Martyn didn't have time to react.

The whooshing of arrows in the air became a familiar sound fast, yet as it hit someone, Martyn's first instinct was to turn around, even the slightest bit, to see who it is.

And he did not need to see that.

The bloodstained cape of a fallen king rested gently on his shoulders, dark hair cascading down Ren's back as he looked more peaceful than ever, in an eternal sleep, one that made Martyn realise what had just happened.

He tried to dodge attacks, walking towards the body of the man he loved, glancing with pure hatred at the taunting man who held the bow, now holding a golden crown as well.

Yet he thought that there was no reason to win anymore.

He didn't really stand a chance anyways, so he closed his eyes and gasped slightly at the pain. Oh, the pain. Just how death is described. Yet, he felt peaceful. Arrows weren't his preferred way of death, but what choice does he have?

Martyn somehow woke up afterwards. He knew something was gonna follow after death, yet he didn't expect it to be this soon. And it wasn't, just as he thought. He was translucent, a ghost, watching from above as betrayals and friendships, relationships and deaths all happened, how their enemies got far and had to fight. It was a bit heartbreaking to watch, even for Martyn.

But, as he looked through the other spirits gathered around the cactus ring, he locked eyes with that man once again.

Neither of them paid attention to the fight. They both just looked at each other, from opposite corners of a group, neither of them daring to move, to talk. They just stared at each other with a knowing look of affection, knowing that even though they might be separated from now on, their feelings will never falter.

They'd always be a king and his hand. A king and his partner. Partners.




Requests are still open btw!!! Pls idk what to write...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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