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Travis Pov-

New York was interesting, and it left me with a lot to think about. I couldn't stay longer, even if I wanted to, because I have obligations back here in Kansas City I can't bail on. The new season is starting soon, and I need to put on my A-game to be in the starting lineup. Even though I have been playing for this team for years there is always a chance for you to get bumped in favor of someone better than you. I'm certainly not going to give anyone any reason to bump me.

Spending time with Taylor was amazing, and I still can't believe she wanted to meet me. now we are going to see where this might take us, our chemistry is off the charts. It hasn't happened before that I met someone and had this level of connection. I've dated people in the past, and it's been good, but there Is something about Taylor that's electric. I'm drawn to her, and I want to spend more time with her and see where it could go between us. The conversation was a constant flow and by the end of the night I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to stop talking.

But then the bomb dropped on me last night, she has a daughter, a six-year-old to be specific. I'm good with kids, I have three nieces after all, but I've never dated someone with a kid before. Not that we are even dating yet, we are getting to know one another, but still... I don't know how I feel about it, I don't know how I want to handle this. We were kissing and her daughter, Thea, came down the stairs and I just froze. It was so unexpected, there were no signs beforehand. I gathered that her life was complicated, but I put it on her being a worldwide celebrity, not being a mom.

Now I need to figure out what I want to do. do I even want to try something with her or not get involved? She says she won't blame me if I choose to walk away, that she will understand. But do I actually want to walk away? I don't know. Having kids in the mix makes things so much more complicated, that it throws a curveball at you.

What I do know is that I need to talk to someone about it, I can't only debate it by myself in my head. But I have kept my reason for going to New York close to my chest. That's the way we wanted things to be, private. However I did tell my brother, and he is the perfect guy to call right now.

I throw myself down on the couch and call up my brother. He should be at home right now and able to talk. That is unless his kids are running havoc, and he needs to be a peacemaker. You never know with those kids; Wyatt is all over the place at times.

Thankfully he picks up fast and I'm relieved. "hi man, how was New York" he says, and I can hear a kid's show being turned on in the back. He probably placed the kids in front of the TV to be able to talk with me. Maybe Kylie is out doing something? I don't know.

"it was good. but turned complicated. I need your opinion about that" I start vague because I know Taylor has worked her ass off to keep her daughter a secret. I've never heard chatter about it when I might have internet-stalked her. How she is able to hide Thea I don't know, but I don't want to be the reason it gets out there. I'm not about to carry the guilt of that on my shoulders. But I know I can trust my brother; he isn't a blabbermouth.

"what's going on? Complicated how?" he asks. Here goes nothing, I guess. "it's hush-hush, so please keep it to yourself. But she has a daughter. A freaking six-year-old" I confess, and the other side of the line grows quiet.

"a kid? Man, I didn't know. Shit that's... that's certainly something to wrap your mind around" my brother says. I already knew that it's a fuck ton to wrap my mind around. How do you even approach it without fucking it all up? It's new waters for me and I feel lost at sea.

"yeah, tell me about it. so I don't know what the fuck to do. like is this a reason to walk away? I've never dated anyone with a kid before. When she told me her life was complicated, I was pretty damn sure she was referring to her celebrity status, not a freaking person" I run my hand through my hair. I'm usually the guy with all the answers, but now I feel lost.

"of course, it's a valid excuse to walk away, but that's something you need to decide for yourself. I can't tell you what to do. it would mean things were complicated, so I guess it just depends on how much you like her." He says and I get it. at the end of the day, I'm the one who has to live with this, I need to figure it out. I just wish there was an easy way to know what's right, and what will make me happy in the long run. We had an instant connection, but is that connection enough to outweigh the complication of having a kid in the mix? And am I ready to be involved with someone with kids? there is no right answer here. there are pros and cons on both sides of the track.

"That's what I can't decide. It's hard to even wrap my mind around her having a kid. Like I'm telling you Jason there is no doubt that girl is Taylor's daughter by the way she looks. They have the same long blond hair and a similar face, and the girl has the same blue eyes as her mother. It threw me for a loop. I like Taylor, but this is a mess. I don't want to hold it against her that she has a kid, but how could I not consider this a big roadblock" I don't want to be an ass, but I'm not ready to be anyone's stepdad. And if things were to work out between me and Taylor that's sort of the role I would have in the long game. I don't half-ass anything, if I start something with Taylor, I need to imagine what It would be like between us for the long haul. I'm over 30 years old, I don't have time for flings anymore, I don't want that anymore.

"Did she mention anything about the dad? Like is he in the picture?" he asks, and I don't have an answer for him. We didn't get to the part where we talked about our exes. That's not a conversation I was prepared for so soon. But it's a valid question, where is the dad? And who is he? From my slight internet stalking, I know she dated a British actor for almost seven years or so. No idea who the dude is other than that his name is Joe Alwyn. He could be the dad for all I know, or it could be another ex. It didn't feel like the right moment to bring it up when I first found out about all of this, it seemed like a convo for down the road if I decide to stick around.

"Nah, I don't know shit. For all I know he isn't involved at all. Or they co-parent great. We didn't get to that part of the conversation, didn't feel right to pry at the time" It's something I definitely am curious about, but it's about timing when you ask those questions. I don't want to come on too strong on stuff that's really not my business. If I stick around, I think it would count as my business though. I should know if there is another man in the picture, right? That's the kind of shit you take into consideration.

Jason is a good listener and asks questions every once in a while. It's good to have someone to bounce it off on because sitting with all these thoughts alone won't do me any good. I feel like I should decide soon though, because I don't want to string Taylor along thinking I'm in it if the right thing is to walk away. If that's the right thing though I don't know. It's just so early on to even make a decision about anything.

When we hang up, I keep lying on the couch and thinking about the magnitude of it all. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what the people in my life think, because it's my life that's changing if I choose to stick around. Part of me wants to bolt, but the bigger part of me long for the kind of connection I felt with Taylor from the first moment we spent together. is a kid big enough of a reason for me to walk away? I'm not completely sure.

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