meeting the parents

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-Taylors Pov-

"will your mommy and daddy like my dress, Travis?" Thea asks as she twirls around in her pink Audrey Hepburn-style dress. "they sure will sweetheart," Travis tells her as he continues to braid her hair. This morning I wasn't allowed to braid it; no she ordered Travis to make "Anna braids" and handed him a brush and two elastics. I couldn't contain my laughter at her demands, and Travis seemed just as amused. She is a determined little girl who knows what she wants. Where all her confidence comes from, I don't know.

His parents, Donna and Ed, are on their way over from the airport. Travis has a game later today and I'm going to be in the box with his parents, and it's the first time I'm going to meet them. It's nerve-wracking because I really want them to like me. I'm dating their son and I just want to be good enough in their eyes. Travis says I have nothing to worry about, but I can't help myself. I'm always worried about not being liked, and this is no exception. Not to mention I worry about what they think of their son dating someone with a kid. That's a deal breaker for some. For Travis to date me Thea will be in his life, and he seems to have embraced that but what about his parents? They could disapprove of it, and I don't know what I will do. I really like Travis, but having the parent's approval is important.

"stop worrying Tay, they will like you" Travis reassures me once again as he finishes up Thea's braids. "why are you so worried Mommy? You get to make new friends, that's fun" Thea is as carefree as usual, and I can't help but let her good mood pass off onto me.

"yeah, you get to make new friends" Travis grins at me teasingly and I punch his shoulder "Not funny Kelce" I mockingly say, and he can't help but grin more. "in all seriousness, my parents will adore you. there is no need to worry about them. They are cool and embrace new people as long as they are good people. There is no need for you to work yourself up" he wraps his arms around me, and I lean into his embrace.

We stay there for a little while but have to break away when the front door opens, and I hear feet step into the entryway. Here goes nothing, I guess. Travis takes my hand and leads me towards where two voices are talking. We round the corner and come face to face with Mr. and Mrs. Kelce. Travis's divorced parents.

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Taylor," he says right away as I take in the older couple. They are about the same age as my parents, at least I think so. Mrs. Kelce has shoulder-length blond hair while Mr. Kelce is a little taller than her and with darker hair. They both look nice and dressed for the game going on later, decked out in chief's gear.

"Travis, you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend!" his mom says and comes over to hug her son before turning to me. "hi, Mrs. Kelce. It's nice to meet you" I greet her and hold out my hand for her to shake. But she shakes her head and brings me in for a hug "call me Donna honey, Mrs. Kelce makes me feel old. You must mean a lot to our son if he chooses to introduce you to us."

I get a similar greeting from Travis's dad who tells me to call him Ed. I didn't expect to be on first-name basis with them both so soon, but they put it out there like it's the most natural thing in the world.

"Travis, the doggies are scratching the door, they want inside and play with me" Thea comes skipping around the corner and Ed and Donna's eyes widen. "yeah, Mom, Dad this is Dorthea, but is called Thea. Taylors daughter"

We weren't sure how we were going to introduce them to Thea, but she made that decision for us apparently. "daughter?" his parents exchange a glance that makes me nervous before Donna crouches down in front of Thea "Hi Thea."

"hi mrs Kelce. Travis plays princesses with me" She grins and bounces a little. The girl isn't bothered by meeting new people, taking it in strides. She is a people person, and it makes me feel guilty for keeping her hidden for all these years.

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