The crowds in stands went wild

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-Taylors Pov-

"but mommy I wanna come see Travis play" Thea pouts and I shake my head "No, you know you can't come."

"it's so unfair" She stomps her little foot and I sigh. It might be unfair, she is right about that, but I'm only trying to protect her from the nasty world out there. As she gets older it gets harder to keep the secret intact, because she can let her preferences be known more than when she was little. Not to mention she is stubborn as hell, just like her mother.

"I'm not arguing with you about this any longer Thea. You're staying here with Michelle" I put my foot down. It's not up for discussion, she isn't coming. Maybe at some point in her life, she can come, but we aren't there now. she is a well-kept secret for now.

"Thea, look what I got you" Travis, who has been getting ready to leave, holds out a gift bag for her. "you need to listen to your mother and stay here, but that doesn't mean you can't dress up."

Thea wipes her tears and takes the bag from Travis before opening it. she pulls out a jersey with "swift" and 13 on the back as well as the Chiefs logo of course. The 13 and "Swift" are bejeweled with sparkly crystals giving it a girly vibe.

"It's so pretty. Look at all the sparkles. Thank you!" Thea beams and throws her arms around Travis's legs. He caresses her head "No problem kiddo, it was the least I could do. now you get to dress up while you watch with Michelle."

Michelle is coming over from the hotel to watch Thea while the rest of us go to the game. Travis has no problem with her nanny coming here instead of Thea going to the hotel to be with Michelle. It's more comfortable for Thea to stay here.

"Grandpa is going to be a grumpy pants. It's the wrong team" Thea giggles and I burst out laughing. My dad is a hardcore Eagles fan, and Thea have been dressed in their gear on several occasions while watching games at home with him. "is he now? he is an Eagles fan huh?" Travis asks and Thea nods.

"I'll need to ask for his forgiveness then. But I'm going to tell you a secret Thea. The chiefs are better" he says with a wink, and I snort. I love the confidence even if it is over the top at times.

"Grandpa says the Eagles are the bestest team in the whole world. Fly eagles fly" she sings the last part, and I can't stop chuckling at the look on Travis's face. He looks a little shocked before he laughs. "he will be happy when he meets my brother then."

"I wanna meet him too, I can sing fly eagles fly with him" Thea decides.

"I'm sure he would be ecstatic to sing that with you. and he has three little girls who love to sing too" Travis places a kiss on the top of Theas head. "I gotta go so I'm on time. but I'll see you later or tomorrow morning if you're in bed when we get back."

"play well Travis. and you still need to teach me how to throw a football" Thea doesn't forget anything, so she makes sure to point that one out. She is excited about throwing footballs with him. My dad has tried to teach her, but she didn't get a handle on it.


There were some tears when we left Thea behind at the house, but it's for the best. I know going forward I have some choices to make because I don't know if keeping her a secret when she is so sad about it is the right choice. Blake and Ryan have a balance with their kids, and I want that, but I'm scared to leap. We have worked so hard to keep her a secret and exposing her now would be throwing all that away.

When I got pregnant Joe was so strict about keeping her a secret, after she was born too. he took control of it, and I went along with it until it became second nature to keep her hidden. But she is getting older, and I don't know what the future holds for that.

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