he feels like home

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-Taylors Pov-

I flew to New York this morning to organize what I want to take with me to live with Travis. he is playing a game at Gillette stadium, Foxborough, tomorrow, so that's not far away. It made sense for me to go here first, and Thea came along. She is feeling better after her surgery, even though she needs to take it easy. I did call her doctor to ask if it was okay to fly, and it was.

"Thea, you need to pick what toys you want to come with us to your new room. Put what you want to bring in the middle of the room and I'll pack it" I tell her as we stop outside her room. "but make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard. Tell me if it starts to hurt."

"I'm fine Mommy. I wanna find the toys that I get to take to Travis. we will have so much more to play with now" Thea grins and I can't help but smile back at her. She slips into her room, and I head to my room to grab more clothes for myself.

Three suitcases are already placed in my bedroom by my personal assistant Carina. She has started to go through my closet for me. so I head inside to help her. "is there anything in particular you want to bring?" she asks.

"I don't really need much formal clothing. Like if I need it, I will get something new. So I need the comfortable stuff. Still leaving some here, but there is no need to buy everything new either" I tell her and start with my comfy Lululemon align collection. I'm obsessed with it because of the soft fabric. I already have a few with me in the suitcase I have at Travis' house, but if I'm going to move there I need to add more to the collection.

Travis is clearing out half his closet for me, and I will get one of the spare rooms to store anything I need stored. Then we are going to redo one of the guest rooms to become Thea room and one of the extra living rooms downstairs will be my music room. An extra desk will be added to his office, so we can share one.

"okay. But maybe bring a few formal dresses just in case you go out maybe?" she suggests, and I agree. I have so much clothing that it's hard to find exactly what I want. After a little bit, when I think Carina has a handle on everything, I head to find Thea. I need to grab more clothes for her too. she can't just bring toys.

Heading into her room I find her playing with her Barbies, not packing. "sweetie, weren't you going to find what you wanted to take with you?" I ask her and she smiles sheepishly at me. "but the dollies wanted to play mommy. They were so sad I've been away."

"oh, where they. But let me help you pack them then. They can't be sad here all alone" I raise an eyebrow and she sigh before grabbing the dolls she wants. There are cardboard boxes already made and resting against the wall. "you can fill three with your toys, only three" I tell her, and she pouts.

"but mommy. The other toys will be so sad" She frowns, and I shake my head "Some toys need to be here when we get back. What will you play with here if you bring everything with you" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She sighs dramatically before picking out her favorite dolls and stuffed animals.

I head to her closet and start to pick out the clothes I want to bring with me. I'm only packing two suitcases with clothes for her, since she is still growing, I only need clothes for the rest of winter and a little bit of spring. By summer she will have sized up anyway.

"do you want to wear this on Christmas?" I ask and hold up a sparkling red tulle dress. "yes Mommy. That's the prettiest I have" She nods several times. "Okay, let's pack that then."

She is a really girly girl, has always been. I was the same way as a kid, loved dresses and dolls. She is just like me in so many ways. I don't see too much of Joe in her at all, it doesn't seem she got many traits from him. Part of me is happy about that, and a bit selfishly happy I don't need to look Joe in the face every day. She doesn't really look like him either, mostly resembling a young me.

"Elsa needs to come with me. she will be sad here all alone" she says and grabs several elsa dolls. She won't settle for just one, of course, no she is bringing five different dolls that all look like Elsa. Clearly frozen is a favorite in our house.


The stadium is filled with fans as the game starts. Everyone is excited to be here, I can feel the energy seeping into me as I pay attention to the field.

The chiefs are playing the new England patriots today at Gillette stadium. Two of my best friends, alana Haim and Ashley Avigone, came with me, as well as my dad. He has always been a die-hard eagle's fan, but even him is wearing a chief's sweater. I'm wearing a chief's sweater too, and a Santa hat to come in the Christmas spirit.

"they are really bringing their a-game tonight" britt says from her spot beside me and I nod. "I'm excited to see what the plays will be tonight" I say. I've learned so much about football these months I've been with Travis. I was not into sports before then, didn't know much about it at all, but own I feel like I know a fair amount. He might have spent hours explaining everything to me though, and the WAGs have been patiently filling in the gaps for me.

"you're sporting the chiefs tonight, Scott. Jason might be jealous" britt teases my dad and I laugh. I love that she has embraced me, my family and friends with open arms. She is on first name basis with my dad, it didn't take long.

"what can I say, I might be a convert. Still a Born and Bred Eagles fan though, don't worry. Hopefully, they don't end up playing each other again this year, then I wouldn't know who to cheer for" he says with a laugh. The only shot they have to play each other is if they both win their division and play each other in the Superbowl.

Well... they did play one another earlier this fall, but it wasn't part of the season, so I don't count it. The Chiefs did lose to the Eagles that game though, so I'm just happy it didn't count towards their season stats.

The game goes on, play after play is called and points on the scoreboard rise. In the second quarter, the Chiefs score stands still at seven while the Patriots rise to ten, so that makes me a little nervous. But towards the end of the game, the score rises for the Chiefs and the game ends in their favor, 27-17.

"they won!" Britt bounces and I hug her. "I really think this is a Super Bowl year, I can feel it" she beams, and I can't help but match her excitement. Maybe she is right, we are getting closer to the playoffs after all. But that's apparently really intense as with a single loss you're out of the running for the big game. There is no room for mistakes during the playoffs.

"ah, I wish we could go down and see our men" I sigh. I want to give Travis the biggest hug, but we can't during away games. The team goes straight from the locker room to the bus taking them to the jet.

I won't be following them right away; I need to stay until Monday as I'm talking with my lawyer who is in town. We need to rehash every painful detail of my relationship with Joe to prepare for trial. It's not something I'm looking forward to doing, but I know it's important. I need to bring up every detail that could help me to make it clear that Joe is an unfit parent. There is no way I will leave anything to chance for him to get his claws into Thea ever again.

** Monday **

I'm drained after spending hours in a meeting with my lawyer. My skin feels raw from going through every detail I can remember, anything we might use to prove he is an unfit parent. All I want now is for this plane ride to go by quickly so I can walk straight into Travis's arms. I feel so exposed from talking it all though I need to go home to my safe place. Home... I like the way that rolls off my tongue. KC is home now. and it already feels more like home than London ever was. 

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