There's glitter on the floor after the party

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(A/N have no idea if Chris jones actually has a daughter Theas age. But I wanted one of his teammates to have one, so I made one up)

-Taylors Pov-

"go Travis" Thea yells towards the field. We are watching the New Year's game at Arrowhead Stadium. "Mommy, Travis is the bestest ever. He is amazing" Thea sighs and leans into me and I wrap my arms around my daughter.

"he is pretty incredible huh?" I kiss the top of her head. Having her in my arms is one of my favorite things in the world. I'm soaking up every moment that I get like this before she gets so old, she doesn't want her mommy's cuddles anymore. Teenagers aren't a fan of that, at least stereotypically they aren't. I wasn't like a regular teen, I loved to be close to my parents even though I sometimes got in a fight with them like any other teenager. My mom was always my best friend and number one supporter. I think I'm closer to my mom than a lot of girls are because of all the time we spent together.

"are you going to marry him, mommy?" Thea asks and I freeze for a second. It's such a loaded, but also innocent question. "I don't know sweetie. I don't know what the future holds for us."

This is not the time and place to have this conversation, but when Thea starts it's hard to stop her. "but do you want to marry him? And have loads of babies?"

"we can talk about this later sweetie. Maybe when I tuck you into bed" I say and kiss the top of her head again. I don't want to have this conversation in public. Yes, this is a private box, and I trust the people here. but I still feel weird talking about this around others.

Of course, I want to marry Travis. I can see myself building a life with him and growing old together. maybe have some siblings for Thea along the way. When I look at our future together, I see peace, I see happiness and I see a forever kind of love.


The Chiefs won over the Cincinnati Bengals, 25-17. I'm so happy for them for the win, it's one step closer to the playoffs. Now it's one more game of the regular season and then it's payoffs time.

We are waiting, like usual, outside the locker room for him to come out. Thea is so excited about the win; it looks like they are getting a playoff spot. She has gotten really into football after Travis came into our lives and ask him a ton of questions about it. I love seeing her excited to learn about something, and Travis seems more than happy to tell her everything she wants to know.

Travis emerges from the locker room and, like usual, Thea runs into his arms. "Travis. I cheered so loudly for you. did you hear me?"

"How could I not hear you, princess? You did so well. I played even better when you cheered for me" he says and kisses the top of her head as she snuggles against him in a bear hug.

I walk over and he pecks my lip "Good game. Congrats on the win" I say and peck his lips again. "thanks baby, it was an electric game."

"Mommy said we are having friends over. Is that true? Do I get to play with them?" Thea asks and looks up at Travis with her big eyes.

"yes, we are having a New Year's party at the house. Doesn't that sound fun?" he says and Thea nods. One of Travis's teammates, Chris Jones, has a kid Thea's age, Jenna, so they have met up a few times. She will get to play with Jenna until she is so tired that she needs to go to bed. She wants to stay up until midnight like a big girl, but I doubt she lasts that long.

The three of us head to the car and drive home. Home... a year ago I didn't think anywhere but London would be home to me, but sure enough Kansas City feels more like home than London ever did. Sure I loved that city, and still do to some degree, but when Joe drank it tainted our home. He was good when he wasn't drinking, he could be a good partner when he wasn't a narcissistic asshole and drunk. But when that's his default mode, it would never have worked out in the long haul. He chooses alcohol over us, and I'm still coming to terms with that. it's not that I miss him, because I don't, but it's still something I need to come to terms with that Thea's father is out of the picture. We will see what happens with the custody case in a few months. They might give Joe some visitation. The courts are all for parent reunification, and against parents keeping the kid from the other parent. I know this.

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