I gave to you my best, And we both know you can't say that

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A/N had to write this chapter twice. My computer crashed. Not fun. thats why it's a little shorter than planned.

-Taylor Pov-

My phone keeps going off on my nightstand, it's been like that for the past hour. I checked who it was the first time, thinking it might be important, but It was just Joe. he keeps constantly texting or calling me, and it's driving me up the wall. I'm not particularly excited to talk to him, but this time when he calls, I rub my tired eyes and reach for the phone.

"About damn time you picked up love" is the first thing he says, no polite greeting. "I was sleeping," I say with a jawn. I stayed up late last night watching SVU re-runs so waking up this early wasn't on my agenda for the day.

"I don't care. When I call you need to pick up. It's time for you to come home now Taylor, stop with this mess with the football player. You and Thea need to come back home" he says, and I take a deep breath. I knew he wouldn't approve of Travis, and I'm not going to get into a conversation about him with Joe either. It won't lead anywhere good.

"I am home Joe. and as I said, I was sleeping" New York is home now, but I know it will piss him off when I say that.

"London is your home" he argues but I'm not interested in getting into an argument with him. I know it won't lead anywhere when he gets In a mood. He becomes single-minded and irrational.

"you can't keep my daughter from me. you need to bring her home right away" he says when he can't bait me into getting into a back-and-forth argument.

"Thea is home, her home is with me. I have sole custody and you know that. you didn't show up for court to iron out a custody agreement, so they gave me sole custody" he already knows all of this. We had a hearing date, but he didn't show up. I was asking for sole custody and the judge didn't see any objections to it since he didn't even bother to show up, so here we are. Not to mention that I have proof of his transgressions against me, and Theas possible testimony, who would also give me sole custody. There is no way I'm ever leaving him alone with Thea again, not after everything. He would have to drastically change for me to ever consider letting him see her again.

"Don't be difficult Taylor" he sighs patronizingly.

"I'm not being difficult Joe. Thea and I are not moving back to London. And that's my decision" I'm not one to actually get into arguments with him, especially in person because I know how he gets, but I dare to argue a little over the phone. He can't hurt me with anything other than his words.

"so what, you're going to move on with the football player who loses brain cells every time he takes a hit? Don't be ridiculous love. Matty was one thing, we both know he was a rebound and a tool, but now I want you to come home" he says. I don't want to get into an argument about Travis, because it won't lead anywhere. When Joe gets in a mood there is no getting him out of it. I'm better off leaving it alone. He is right about Matty though, he was a rebound and a horrible mistake. I don't blame my fans for being upset about that one, it was foolish of me, and I will admit that.

"what I do with my life moving forward is none of your business Joe. we are over and we can both move on. Stop blowing up my phone" I try to keep my voice calm and even, to not goat him into blowing up. I've learned over the years that he feeds off energy, and if I don't give him anything he doesn't have anything to feed off from.

When you know someone for so long you learn their ticks and what makes them snap. I've learned all too well what makes Joe lose control. But over the phone he can't hurt me. he is on the other side of the Atlantic, I'm safe and I keep repeating that in my head. He can't hurt me with anything other than his words. But his words hurt as well, there is no denying that he knows how to hit me the hardest.

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