Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon

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A/N so sorry for the lack of updates this week. Long story short I struggle with bad migraines that really knock me out. so sometimes there will be a few days between updates sadly. Hope you all are doing well.

-Travis Pov-

I'm nervous. Taylor's parents and brother will be here any minute, and it's the first time I meet her mom and brother. I already get along great with her dad, but you never know when meeting the parents of your significant other. I'm nervous that they won't like me, that they will think we move too fast forward. I mean we already live together without even dating for a year, it's soon, but it feels right. They will see that, right.

"Travis, Mommy, they are here!" Thea yells from the front hall where she has been plastered with her face against the window to look for our guests. She is so excited to see her grandparents and uncle.

my dad is already here, but I already knew they got along as they have met before. Both my parents adore Taylor and Thea, no complaints from them. my mom is spending Christmas with Jason and his family. Sometimes we all celebrate together, but because of the football schedule, it's not possible this year. Thankfully my divorced parents get along all right.

Us three adults head to the front hall where Thea is opening the door for her family. "Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Austin!" she shrieks as they step inside. "yay, you're here!"

I take in Austin and Mrs. Swift. She wears a wig; I already knew that from what Taylor had told me. her mom is living with cancer, and the treatment makes her hair fall out. She has had surgery, chemo, radiation and immune therapy. She is doing well but isn't completely out of the woods. I know it makes Taylor upset to think about her mom's illness, it's a sore spot, so she doesn't talk about it much. I get that though.

"mom, Dad, Austin" Taylor hugs them all after Thea gets her cuddles. "it's good to see you, honey, you look good," her mom says as she squeezes her daughter. I'm standing off to the side, letting them have a reunion of their own before I introduce myself.

"Mom, Austin, this is Travis. Travis, this is my mom and brother Austin" Taylor beats me to it, introducing me before she introduces my dad as well.

"Mrs. Swift, it's so good to meet you. I've heard great things" I hold out my hand to shake hers, but she pushes it away as she goes in for a hug "I'm a hugger honey, and call me Andrea" Her hug Is warm, her embrace comforting.

After she lets go, I hold out my hand to Austin "It's nice to meet you. Taylor has told me plenty about you" I say, and he shakes my hand. "Likewise, my sister doesn't shut up about you" he grins at me, and I chuckle.

"Grandma, tomorrow is Christmas morning!" Thea beams as they take off their coats and boots. "I know sweetie, isn't that exciting. Maybe Santa will come after you go to sleep tonight."

"Mommy says that he knows I moved, that I don't need to worry he won't find me. he has magical powers you know. He knows where every kid in the whole world lives. That's lots of kids Grandma" Thea takes her hand and leads her further into the house, the rest of us following behind. There has been plenty of talk of Santa this week. Thea was really worried that he wouldn't know where she lived now, but we promised her that he would.

"he is magical, he always knows where you are. And he knows you've been a really good girl this year" Andrea says as she takes a seat on the couch, pulling Thea into her lap. According to Taylor Thea is really attached to her grandma, they are two peas in a pod apparently.

"are you excited for the game tomorrow?" Austin asks me and I nod "Always" I love the energy of the stadium, especially during the holidays. Even on a day like tomorrow, the people of this town show up to support the team. It means a lot to me that people care even during those special days.

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