Every love I've known in comparison is a failure

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-Taylors Pov-

My eyes flutter open and I reach for Travis, as he isn't holding me like he usually does, but he isn't in bed with me. I turn to see that the bed is empty, and his side is cold. I grab my phone and see that it's already 11 am, and he let me sleep in.

After last night I have a headache from all the alcohol. I didn't get drunk but had a good buzz.

Travis's words from last night play on repeat in my mind. He told me that he loves me, but he was drunk. He can't mean that, right. Like I need to give him an out here. everyone knows that confessions made while drunk or during sex are iffy. Sure some mean it, but it's bad timing. I wish it was true, but I can't allow myself to get lost In the hope of it all, in the hope that he meant what he said. It will hurt too much if he rejects it, I don't think I can get over that if I let myself believe it's true.

Deciding that lying in bed and overthinking won't do me any good I get out of bed and get ready for the day. We are having Travis's teammate Patrick, his wife Brittany, and their two kids over later for lunch and playtime. Their kids are younger than Thea, but Sterling, the oldest one, is three so I think they will have fun together.

I decide to keep it easy today, so I throw on a pair of Lululemon tights and a sweatshirt before dragging my hair up in a messy bun. We are just staying home so I don't feel like dressing up, especially with my slight hangover.

It's suspiciously quiet as I head downstairs, but I quickly spot why. Travis and Thea are outside in the backyard, and he is teaching her to throw a football. He stands behind her and adjusts her hand, so she holds it properly before standing in front of her to catch the ball.

Walking closer to the glass sliding doors I can hear her laughter and that's everything to me. She is happy, and Travis is making her so happy. He is patient with her and keeps his promise to teach her how to throw a football. She has been so excited to learn everything there is about football, just because Travis plays, and she likes Travis.

I grab a blanket and throw it over my shoulders before opening the sliding door. The two of them hear the door open and Thea has the biggest grin when she looks at me "Look, Mommy, Travis is teaching me to be just like him."

The ball is big in her hands, but she maneuvers it anyway, holds her fingers over the laces, and throws it towards Travis. it's a wobbly throw but he catches it and cheers for her. "did you see that Mommy?"

"I did sweetie. You're doing so well" I praise her, and she wiggles excitedly. "there is coffee ready and breakfast on the counter baby," Travis says, and I thank him before walking back inside the warm house. I can watch them through the glass instead with a hot cup of coffee. It's too cold to be out without a proper jacket on.

Just like he said I find a pot of coffee ready for me and fill a mug. I like it black in the morning, I feel like it gives me more of a kick than if I added all the sugary sweeteners to it. don't get me wrong, I love me some cinnamon dolce or white chocolate sweetener, but not first thing in the morning.

I go back to the living room so I can watch them throw the ball back and forth. Thea isn't getting the hang of catching it yet, but Travis is being patient with her. I wish her dad was like this, caring and patient. She needs a strong and constant male presence in her life, and I need to come to terms with that Joe will never be what I want him to be for her. I don't want to be with Joe, but I wish he could still be a father figure to her, but it's a silly dream at this point. It will only continue to hurt me more If I keep that dream alive. He will never be who I need him to be if he wants to be in her life, and she is lucky that Travis is stepping up and being a constant male presence in her life.

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