Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room

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-Travis Pov-

I'm at the breakfast table when I get the call from my lawyer. Before I even pick it up, I know it's the one I've been waiting for. "hi Mr., Kelce"

"hi Mr. Anderson" I return the pleasantries.

"I'll get right to it. I heard from Judge Parker, and they are issuing an order for a paternity test. It's been hard as Kayla and her lawyer are fighting it, but now they will be obligated to comply or be held in contempt of the court" he explains, and I can take a deep breath.

I've been waiting for this, waiting for her to be forced to comply. I just want a paternity test to know the truth, that Mason isn't my kid. It shouldn't be a big deal If she doesn't have anything to hide, so she clearly does. Having a baby daddy with money is probably more desirable than one with less, knowing her that's what she is after. It's always money and material things with her. She was not shy about spending my money when we were together, that's for damn sure.

"thank you, Mr. Anderson. Hopefully, it moves along quickly" I say.

"Hopefully it will happen quickly. Her lawyer put in an objection that needs to be processed first. But I'm pretty sure any objection will be tossed at this point. It's a simple case of a paternity test, it shouldn't be a big deal to get through. With her claiming you as the father this is your right" he says, and he explains a bit more about the process going forward before he hangs up.

Thea puts down her fork with pancakes on them "Who was that?" she crocks her head to the side.

"That was my lawyer. I have something that needs to be sorted out. but looks like it's going my way" I say and exchange knowing looks with Taylor, she knows what I mean, that I got the petition granted.

"Oh. Is he nice to you? Are lawyers nice?" Thea asks and I chuckle "Yes, he is nice. But most importantly he is really good at his job" I picked the lawyer on recommendation from Taylors' personal lawyer, they are friends. I've already given my sample to the lab as well, so they only need to collect Mason's DNA and then they can get on with the testing. Apparently, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get the result back.

"Hopefully it will be done soon then. And we can move on from this" Taylor says, and I hope so too. I never want to deal with Kayla again if I have anything to say about it. but on the slim chance it's my kid, I wouldn't abandon him, I would step up. That doesn't mean I want anything to do with his mom, but I wouldn't ever be a deadbeat dad, I would file for primary custody.


Thea is dressed in a pair of shorts and a Taylor Swift t-shirt as we head to the tent at the stadium. The show is about to start, Sabrina finished her set and now they are gearing up for Taylor to take the stage.

It's going to be Thea's first time seeing the show, and she is so excited about it.

"oh my god it's Thea!" we hear from all over the place as people spot the little girl. People hold out friendship bracelets for her as we walk by, and I thank people and grab them for her while keeping her at a safe distance from people we don't know. Not that I think Taylors fans would ever harm Thea I'm protective over the little girl. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Thea of course is excited about meeting new people and keeps saying "Hi I'm Thea" over and over again as she waves at people. She is on cloud nine with all the attention directed at her. She holds my hand with the hand that's not collecting friendship bracelets for her as we head to the tent.

There are snacks and drinks set up In the back of the tent for the VIP guests, so I grab Thea a water bottle to keep her hydrated. It's hot here in Argentina and I don't want her to suffer a heatstroke.

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