'Cause I feel so high school, Every time I look at you

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-Taylors pov-

"Travis!" Thea shrieks as we walk into his house. She is about to run off when I remind her to take off her shoes and jacket. She is so excited to be back here and hasn't talked about anything else the whole flight. And I don't blame her either, this feels like coming home. I do still consider New York my home base, but by Travis's side, it feels like where I belong.

"Mommy I'm much too busy" she sighs as she does what she is told. But she doesn't have to run off to find Travis, because he walks around the corner just as she finishes taking her outside clothes off and runs into his arms.

"Travis! I've missed you" She cuddles into him as he lifts her up effortlessly. She is tall for her age, just like I was, but he has no problem lifting her.

"I've missed you too princess. But now you're here and you're going to be here for a while now" he says and kisses her cheek before setting her down and turning to me. I always give Thea a chance to say hi before I do, even though all I want is to run into his arms and never leave.

Now it's my turn to be wrapped in his arms and I bask in his masculine scent. "how can I miss you so much when it's only been two days" I mumble into his chest and I can feel him chuckle lightly. "because you love me. and I love you"

I'm drained from my trip to New York, not from the time in the studio but from sitting in the waiting room while Thea was with the lawyer. Not knowing what she was telling my child, not being able to be there for her, that stung like a dagger to the heart. I wish I could have gone with her and held her hand when she told the lawyer about what her daddy did. When she left the room her eyes were red and puffy, she had been crying with a stranger.

We head into the living room, but I grab my guitar on the way. Travis looks at me questioning but I just give him a coy smile. "I wrote something I want to sing for you" I can hardly wait to sing it to him. I hope he likes it. we haven't talked about me writing music about him yet, but I guess that's a conversation that needs to be had. It just comes so naturally to me to write about what's going on in my life.

"you wrote something?" his smile is big. It's the first time I'm playing something for him. We have been together for a while now, but it just never felt like the right song before to play for him.

"It's about you. I know we haven't talked about it... how you feel about me writing about you. so I get it if it... if you don't want it out there... it's just the way I process everything" I hesitantly say. I remember having this conversation with Joe, I couldn't even say it so I wrote it down on a Polaroid. He said it was fine but was particular about what I was allowed to write. Looking back at it I know he wanted to control every part of my life he could.

"I would be honored If you wanted to write about me. I'm excited to hear what you wrote" We enter the living room and I settle on the floor and get my guitar ready. It needed a little tuning, but it takes me seconds to get that done. I've done this a million times, no biggie.

I start to strum the intro and I can't meet his eyes as I start to sing.

"I feel so high school every time I look at you
I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you"

I blush, it's so personal to sing this to him, but it also feels so right. I'm excited for him to be the first one I play something for, play this song in particular.

"I'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night
Your friends are around, so be quiet
I'm trying to stifle my sighs
'Cause I feel so high school (I feel so high school)
Every time I look at you
But look at you"

I look up at him and he has this look of awe on his face that I will never forget. He looks adoringly at me as I continue through the whole thing. I memorized the lyrics already, that doesn't take me long at all anymore.

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