Then through the phone, Came all your tears

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-Taylors Pov-

"you can't seriously say I have to put on a show tonight? It's dangerous" I argue with my manager. We are in Rio for the shows I'm doing here, and the heat is unbelievable. I have five fans going at full speed in my dressing room just to take the edge off. It's not safe for anyone to be out in this weather.

"I know that, and you know that. but the organizers aren't budging. They want a show and are assuring us that it's going to be handled safely. They are promising to hand out glasses of water to anyone who wants them" Robert says, but I can hear the doubt in his voice. He doesn't believe it either, none of us believe this is a good idea.

That's the thing with arranging anything through a third party like this, I don't have the control I want to have. I'm saying to postpone until Monday, but they are telling me, in better words, that I better get my ass out there. I wish I knew what to do because I don't think this is a good idea.

"I have a bad feeling Robert, like something bad is going to happen. I would barely breathe outside for god's sake. And what's with the ban on bottled water? It's fucking dangerous. Are we really supposed to just trust them that this is, okay?" I don't know what to do.

I always want to give my fans what they want, a show. but am I really willing to put everyone here at risk? Turns out I don't really have a choice according to the organizers T4F we are doing this through. This is the last time I'm working with them, that's for damn sure. Even if that means I will never perform down here again I won't be controlled this way.

"I hear you, Taylor. I hear you. but I don't know what to do at this point. We can't change their policies, god I've tried all day, but they won't budge. All we really can do is try to put our trust in them so that they know what they are doing. They say they put on shows in this heat all the time and never have issues. At this point, that's really all we can do."


I got through the set, but barely. By the end of the concert, I can hardly breathe after almost passing out several times. This was a bad idea; I knew that before I even stepped on stage. The heat pierces through my skin and seeped into my lungs from the second I stepped out of my semi cold dressing room. If I struggle after just exiting that room, I can't imagine what it's like for the thousands of fans that showed up today. The fans have been camping outside since the early morning hours, subjected to this unbearable heat.

When I get backstage after the final notes of the outro I can hardly stand on my feet. A crew member rushes over to me and help me out of my jackets. "we need cold compresses immediately" my head is all fuzzy, and I genuinely don't know how I got through the performance at all. I guess having rehearsed it and preformed it so many times paid off. I can do that show blind If I have to.

People are rushing to get me to the air-conditioned dressing room. Thea is there waiting for me and looks worried when she sees me. she was originally supposed to watch the show from the tent, but I put my foot down when I felt the heat. No way I was subjecting her to that. she had to stay here despite her objections.

Someone helps me onto the couch while someone else holds something cold to my forehead. "I think we should get the doctor in here" I recognize tree's voice saying and there are more people rushing around me. I feel lightheaded, like I might pass out any second now.

"what's wrong with mommy" Thea whimpers and I gather any energy I have left to comfort her. "I'm okay sweetie, just a bit hot, that's all" no true, I feel like I'm burning, but she doesn't need to know that.

It doesn't take long before a doctor is checking me over and places an IV to give me some fluids. Even though I tried to drink during quick changes I'm still dehydrated from being out in the heat. At least I had access to cold water, the fans weren't that lucky. They had to rely on the organizers, and I have no idea how that worked out.

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