I'd give all I have honey

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-Travis Pov –

The house is empty without them, so I'm happy that they will be home soon. Taylor texted me when the jet touched down, so the car should pull up any minute now. I'm waiting by the door like a little kid, I just want them home.

It's going to be hard when Taylor leaves for tour soon, but we will make it work. It will just suck to be separated from her. I will try to come as often as I can, but I have work obligations even in the off-season. I'm filming two TV shows and some commercials, among other things. It will be hard to be separated from Taylor and Thea, but it's part of the world we live in. I comfort myself with the knowledge that it's not forever. She will have breaks and the tour will end in December. It's another year of our lives and then it's going to calm down. And during the next football season, starting in August or September, I will be plenty busy myself.

The car pulls up and Thea quickly jumps out of the car before she comes running towards the door. I open it and she throws herself into my arms "Travis!"

I can't help but smile and pick her up "Hi Thea. It's good to see you."

"did you miss me? I missed you loads" She snuggles into my chest, and I smile contently. "I missed you a lot too. both of you. but you're home now."

Taylor comes up after Thea and I wrap her in a hug when she steps inside, careful not to drop Thea at the same time. "hi baby, it's good to have you home" I say and kiss her softly.

"It's good to be home. Missed you" she says, and I take in the beauty of her face. I can never get enough of looking at her, she is enchanting. There is something about her that draws everyone in, you can't help but gravitate towards her. Her smile, her energy, and aura all are welcoming to anyone.

Thea wiggles in my arms and I set her down. She takes off her shoes and jacket before disappearing further into the house. I close the front door, closing out the cold January air and Taylor takes off her shoes and jacket.

I wrap my arms around her once she is done, and she rests her head on my chest. Having her in my arms makes it easier to breathe. She is my lifeline I need to function. It's scary to be this addicted to someone because if she were to realize that she can have better than me I would left broken on the floor, beyond repair. I see myself building a forever with her though, I see us going the long haul. She isn't someone you let slip through your fingers if you can help it.

We pull apart and I take her hand, leading her into the living room. I thought Thea might be there, but she wasn't. She probably ran off to her playroom or something. she is six, almost seven, so we don't need to follow her around all the time. she is more than capable of being on her own for a bit.

"Are you still shaken up from the run-in with Joe?" I ask as we take a seat on the couch. Taylor shrugs "not shaken up, just pissed. I want him to leave me alone, and I want him to get some help for his issues. If he ever wants to be in Thea's life again, he needs to get some professional help."

I admire how she can still have compassion for people who hurt her badly. It shows that she is the bigger person in most situations, able to look past people's flaws.

"did you tell Thea you saw him?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No, I don't want to upset her if I can help it. and she is struggling enough these days with it all" She hesitates for a moment, debating if she should share something with me.

"she... after we had a play date with Gigi and her daughter Thea was crying asking why she can't have a daddy that loves her. She wishes you were her daddy because you love her" she confesses, and my chest tightens. "she was worried that you won't love her as much if we have kids one day, that you will love them more than her since you're not her real daddy."

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