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~ Chapter 1 ~


*Eva's POV*

I heard them fight outside and couldn't understand what was happening, The Joker is here!! He is very dangerous! I mean he looks scary up close!! And how did Enigma leave Arkham?! How did I end up here?! Where even am I?!

"She must remember me!!!" I heard The Joker growl and I shuddered.

"Calm down! We need to take her to a doctor!" Riddler answered him.

What happened to me?! And why must I remember The Joker?!

Have we ever met before?

Do I even know him?

I tried to keep my eyes open but my eye lids were too heavy, I felt as though I was slightly losing consciousness and the room was spinning. I felt a wave of nausea hit me and closed my eyes, relaxing my limbs.

* Joker's POV *

  I didn't like what was happening right now. Not. One. Bit.

Enigma had sent Eva with one of his men to the hospital. He was going to say that she got into a car accident and was on the phone with him, and of course I had to observe until she was out. I was going to cover up my scars and go over there, try to figure out how she's doing and when they're going to release her. 

I stomped on the pedal harder as I turned around the corner and entered the garage. I hit the breaks earning a sharp squeal from the car, as my men snapped their heads in my direction. I got out not bothering to close the car door as I went into the house slamming the door behind me.

I threw on a flannel and jeans and adjusted some fake skin and 'foundation' on my scars, after of course washing my significant face paint and hair spray off. I put my hair back and went back outside, as my men still watched me with blank stares.

I got into the car and sped out the garage. I tried to calm myself down as I neared the hospital and drove slower, pulling over at one of the parking spots. I entered looking around at the nurses pushing people on gurneys and the families weeping. I approached the middle-aged looking woman on the front desk and cleared my throat, as she looked up from her computer.

"Hi-uh where uh where's Evangeline Striker?" I spoke.

She turned back to her computer and started typing before looking back up at me.

"Room 405, 4th floor." She spoke.

I looked around before I turned on my heel and headed to the elevators. How can an elevator this big still be this crowded! I heard the fourth ding and headed out. 

I looked around and the rooms were different than what I had expected. Not those private rooms or the joined ones either no, they were beige ones with a big window to the right of the patients' beds. I reached room 405 and carefully leaned towards the window, looking at the dim lighted room. 

Legs came into my view before I moved forward revealing the rest of her body. She was sleeping, I looked over at the heart monitor and a part of me was thankful. The other part of me wanted to crush the window's glass and take her into my arms. Regardless the doctors in the corridor and the nurse in her room, who was now injecting something into her IV tube. 

- 3 weeks later -

I've been visiting Eva for the past 3 weeks and the more I do it the more it seems to drive me crazy..well crazier? You get what I mean. I've also occasionally taken Enigma's goon with me and I'd get him to ask the doctors about her state. The good part is that she's getting better, the sour part is that she's to be released in a week and god knows what she'll do then.

I've been playing the possibilities over and over in my head. Guess what?! Not a big fan of any of them. I can't shake the image of her shivering away from me the moment she recognized my face. The Joker whose massacred the city, the murderer, the terrorist, the monster. She looked horrified. 

The thing is she's seen me a couple of times as I watched her through the window. Once because she somehow woke up and her eyes met mine, the other she was actually awake. I wouldn't say it was me though, it was the facade, cover up me. 

* Eva's POV *

 I've slowly recovered over the past weeks, thankfully non of my bones were severely broken. I am still very curious as to what happened to me. I've been told I got into a car accident but I just don't buy it  because I haven't driven in years. Why would I suddenly do that now? Also, the guy that brought me here, ' my friend ', yeah he doesn't even look remotely familiar. But then again I can't remember anything that's happened to me over this past year. 

I also can't get over my run in with The Joker and Riddler. I've tried to convince myself that I was hallucinating but I am sure it was real. I'm going to have to investigate that once I'm out.

But what I'm most curious about is this guy that I've seen watching me..more than once. Most of the time he'd think I'm sleeping and linger there but when I look at him he stares for a while then leaves. But his eyes are what intrigue me the most.

He'd have this cold glare when I catch his gaze but all of a sudden it would soften and be of concern as soon as his eyes meet mine. His look has been haunting me ever since I came here. I've even dreamed of him a couple of times.

The good news is they're going to release me soon. I can't wait to go back to my job and oh my god .... Nathan


 Hey guys!!

Sooo! It's finally up !

I had some troubles with my laptop's charger but it's fixed now so sorry for the delay x


What do you guys think?! 

First chapter of the sequel ! woo!

It was kind of a filler though so that I can transition into what's about to happen next, sorry if it was kinda boring

Also ! things will take a whole new different turn! 

You'll see a whole new different side of each character and you might be a little surprised as to how things turn out!

Especially the lot of you who wanted a more aggressive Joker ;)


Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts below..

Also, who do you think Nathan is..?

 Hope you're all having a great day x

Much love xx

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now