Fake Blondes

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~ Chapter 21 ~

"Ms. Striker." 

"Ms. Striker, it's time to wake up." I heard a British accent repeat a little louder.

I then squeezed my eyes closed before fluttering them open. I looked up and saw Alfred standing by the side of the bed with his arms behind his back.

"Good morning Miss." He spoke.

"Good morning, Alfred." I greeted him back as I rubbed my eyelids.

"It's now 8 o'clock Ms. Striker. I have prepared some breakfast for you." He spoke as he motioned with his hand towards the bedside table.

I turned to look at it and there was a very sophisticated looking tray of breakfast along with what I assumed was coffee and some napkins and everything.

"Thank you so much, Alfred. I honestly don't know what to say. You really didn't have to do this." I said.

"It's no matter, Ms. Striker. I hope you had a good sleep. I'll leave you to get ready now." He replied before turning to walk away.

I looked around and the room was more visible in the bright sunlight. I noticed the designs, I'd recognize this taste anywhere.

"Alfred.." I spoke and he stopped and turned to me.

"Yes,  Ms. Striker ?" He replied.

"Is this room.." I started but he interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes Miss, this is Master Wayne's room." He answered.

If this was Bruce's room..Where was Bruce?! He really didn't have to give me his room.

"Master Bruce didn't want to make you uncomfortable. He had his room cleared for you. He said you'd be coming and when you do you wouldn't want him here." Alfred said almost reading my mind.

  "Then where is Bruce?" I asked.  

" I'm afraid he didn't inform me." He replied.

"Do you have any more inquires Miss?" He asked.

"No, thank you. You may leave Alfred." I said allowing him to leave the room.

Wow..Bruce knew I would eventually turn to this place even before asking me. He removed his stuff and bought all the clothes and things for me to use instead. He left the whole mansion for me. I suddenly started to feel guilty for treating him so harshly at the asylum. Maybe he was trying to help after all. 

I then pulled myself from my thoughts and had some sips of coffee along with a few bites of the omelette Alfred prepared before getting up and starting to get dressed. I walked towards the closet and found mostly casual outfits. I then slid the door to the other side and it revealed a more formal side. I then settled on a white silk shirt and a beige pencil skirt and grabbed my shoes and bag and headed downstairs. 

I grabbed my coat off the rack by the door and opened the door before turning to Alfred who was tidying the living area.

"Thanks again for the breakfast Alfred, I'll see you tonight." I said before closing the door behind me.

I then made my way to the main road which was about a 4 minutes walk from the manor's gates. I then stood by the pavement and hailed a taxi. I made it to the asylum at around 10:45 AM and made my way to the I.C.U after signing in. I then went over to Jack's room and knocked before entering. As I walked in Natalie was standing by the bed chatting with Jack in her high pitched voice as she twirled her blonde curls around her finger. Jack was sitting on the bed maintaining a small smile as she rambled on. I then cleared my throat making my appearance known.

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