Black Out

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~ Chapter 25 ~

 * 3 days later *

  Right now, I was currently making my way to the asylum.  I had spent the last 3 days just visiting Jack and having him tell me about the dreams he has then giving him some Xanax pills and leaving. The first day he was getting very snappy but however the last two days he has been strangely..calmer than usual.

As usual, I signed in, dropped off my bag, and headed up to Jack's room. I can't deny that this feels nothing like how it used to be when I used to work here. Now, it doesn't even feel like work. I just come here everyday and just chat with Jack for a while and then leave. My old work days had consisted of about 3-4 enraged patients and piles of paper work per day. I sighed as the elevator dinged and I walked down the ICU hall to Jack's room.  When I reached Jack's room I found his door closed and I automatically opened it without hesitation. As the door half opened it revealed Natalie standing at the side of Jack's bed, hunched down so she was covering the most of his figure as they were kissing. I felt a rush of heat and anger roam my body as I quickly bit my tongue, stopping the words I was about to yell. I wasn't supposed to care about him that way. To both of them I was 'engaged'. Even if it was to him, he didn't know that. He didn't know I loved him. 

I would be lying if I didn't say I felt tears sting my eye and a heavy weight and burning in my throat. But I did my best to collect myself and managed to get out three words.

"Well that's new." I seethed.

And oh at that moment if looks could kill.

I had managed to look away and clear my throat since Natalie ignored my previous remark and the opening of the door and continued to make out with him anyway. After clearing my throat she had pulled away but was still staring at him and giggling.

That was it.

"Good morning! Jack." I highered my voice as I gave the door a few loud knocks, then cursed at myself for not having anything better to say. I must've sounded so pathetic.

She finally turned around with the smugest smile plastered on her face.

"Mornin' Doc." She sing-songed as she swayed her head sideways. I then tilted my head and gave her a tight smile as I squinched at her.

She took a small pause next to me and I turned to her.

"Satisfied?!" I whispered.

"Very." She smirked and I gave her another fake smile and moved past her as she left.

When she closed the door I turned to Jack who was still smirking to himself.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked.

"Better." His grinned and I got what he was hinting at and kept a straight face so he stopped.

"Well, have you had any more dreams last night?" I asked him looking down at my notebook not being able to look at him anymore.

He then turned serious and said he hadn't remembered much and started talking about something  he may have remembered the other day about someone betraying him but I honestly couldn't pay attention to a word he was saying. It all went over my ears. The scenario I had walked in on kept replaying itself in my head. Oh how I wished I had knocked before I entered, and knocked loud enough so that I would've startled them and they would've left each other and I would've never had to walk in on that and witness it first hand. And so I sat there bubbling with anger and frustration and jealousy as Jack rambled on for about an hour and before I excused myself and left.

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now