Wayne Manor

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~ Chapter 20 ~

I watched as Natalie hooked up the solution and made her way out the door. I turned my gaze back to Jack who was also watching Natalie leave as I did. He then turned his gaze back to me as the door closed and gave me an uncomfortable smile before shifting his gaze between the sheets and his fumbling fingers and me.

"So..uh..you know me?" He asked and turned to me again.

I then walked over and sat in front of him on the bed.

" Yes, I do know you." I tried to say in a soothing tone before giving him a soft smile.

"Well...? Who.. am I?" He asked after a long pause and after choosing between the millions of questions I saw burn through his eyes. I paused for a second trying to find the right words to say. I looked up at him and he looked like he was about to break. His eyes were slightly twitching every now and then and they were still red from his previous breakdown.

"Your name is Jack. You could say I'm your.. best friend." I spoke. I tried to maintain my composure but sitting here and seeing him like this was breaking me.

"Jack." He whispered half to himself as he looked down.

"Jack.." He repeated a little louder as he looked up at me with wide eyes startling me a little.

"Yeah that makes sense. It sounds familiar, the way you said it." He spoke.

"What more can you tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know. What would you like to know?" I asked him.

"I don't..God! I don't know! Anything! You said you're my best friend! You'd know! So literally anything you'd say would help!" He suddenly shouted taking me by surprise.

He then took a deep breath and something changed in his eyes as he looked up at me and cleared his throat.

"I uh..I'm sorry. I'm really..I truly am sorry I just.. I don't know what came over me." He said softly looking back down at the sheets.

"You used to live by the narrows but then you moved to the west side of Gotham. On the other side of the island. I used to live with you for a while." I spoke and he looked back up at me.

"I know you're probably unfamiliar with all of these places but you'll remember them eventually. I'll help you through this." I added when I felt like the information I gave him was useless. He then reverted his gave back to his hands as he tried to find any relation to the things I was saying.

"It's okay Jack. I know how hard this is. I've lived through this before, I too lost my memory at some point. I only remembered fragments of a past life that I could never have now. I was with the wrong people and you..you never gave up on me. You were patient and stood by me through it all and that's what I'm going to do to you. I'm not gonna give up on you Jack. You will get your memory back and you will remember me. I assure you. We are going to get through this." I spoke as I moved my hand onto his leg that was crossed in front of him.

He then looked up at me then back to my hand which was on his ankle. He stared at my hand for a few seconds before turning to me.

"Is that an engagement ring?" He asked quietly.

Panic had stricken me for a second before finding my voice again.

"Yeah..I'm engaged." I replied.

"But..I thought you said you lived with me for a while.." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah uhm my fiance is..he's not really in Gotham and you offered me a place to stay. You know, so I wouldn't be alone." I explained and he nodded still staring at my ring.

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now