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~ Chapter 15 ~

* Eva's P.O.V *

It has been three days since Jack killed Nathan. Ever since that night I stitched him up, he slept with me in my room, and always gave me this look whenever I spoke where his eyes would just soften at my sight. At this point his behavior was far from the monster everyone feared. Don't get me wrong, he still went on heists and wrecked havoc but that all stopped at the door of the warehouse. He was someone else with me. Something entirely different and this past week, I felt the happiest I've been in a long while.

Today Jack woke up earlier than I did and was in his office all morning, before he gave me a sheepish smile and left. I sat and watched the TV until he came back about an hour later and went into his office without even looking at me once. He looked himself in there almost all day, he didn't even come out for any meals. At around 8:30-ish I got sick of waiting and tired of wondering when he'll come out or what has gotten into him. I decided to into my room and call it a day.

Upon opening the door, the lighting of the room was dim, only the bedside lamp was lit and on the bed there was a paper. I entered the room, closing the door behind me and sitting on my knees next to the bed. I picked up the paper which had a tiny package taped to it's bottom right corner. I looked up and saw the page had a lot of cross outs and ink blots here and there, then I started reading from the top of the page.

' Hey..umm..I don't think this is the proper way to start this..Heck, I don't even know where to begin.. I think I'll start by explaining why you're facing a paper and not a face..my face anyways. I felt like this is the best way I could get you to hear what I can't audibly pronounce. I felt like I'd be more comfortable and more focused writing all I want to say down, than staring into your green eyes which would no doubt make me mess up my words and probably say something I'd regret. Another reason is that I don't know how this is supposed to go..I don't think there's really a uhh guide for these sort of things. Anyways.. oh god I don't think this is going as imagined it would..I mean this is my third paper so far..I need to stop crossing out.. Okay, we've gone a long long way, Angel. We've been through both heaven and hell... And if I'm being honest, the hell part was mostly on my behalf. But.. I don't regret any of it. Every waking moment that I spent with you was never lost or useless. I've lost you because of my arrogance, stupidity, and greed. I..I think mostly it was because I never thought someone like you would ever come around and fit into a life as hellborn as mine. I never believed in any of it, I was so..used..to life and people screwing up in my face. I never saw the good in anyone.. I always felt like I needed to avenge something. My heart wasn't whole and I always had this burning desire to show people and make them taste what I've been through and what life has thrown me into. But..being with you Angel, oh that makes me a completely different person. It makes me want to be good..for you. I just want to be good enough for you..And after getting you back just to lose you to your accident again. It KILLED me. I was going insane again, because when you're around..I feel like I'm the sanest person on earth. It was like..you have this aura that sucks all the darkness and hatred and pain out of me. All the anger and everything..You saw through what everyone else saw and feared and took all that crap I threw at you that you never deserved. You make me sane, Eva.  And..and when I saw you at the asylum again..when you saw what everyone else saw. The monster and the leech eating up the community. I lost it. I almost gave up a shit load of times, Angel but I didn't. I didn't because I knew..I just knew that you would've never given up on me..and that after all I've put you through. You deserved at least that. I had to fight for you just like you always did for everything you believed in. Before all of this, I was the enemy of love. I saw love as a disease, an illness that killed all hope and everything good in it's way. I've been hurt by it and swore to fight it forever after, but that all..changed. I felt that maybe I was just with the wrong people the entire time. Most people out there are brutal and heartless. People like you are long gone, Angel. You're pretty darn rare doll. Anyways, the reason why I'm rambling on and on about all this bull crap is because I wanted to ask you if you would uh..be my wife. I was a married man before and I know what it's like, or at least I remember fragments of what it shouldn't be like..Anyway! You don't have to answer my question now..Take your time and think. If you don't give me a reply by tomorrow's dawn, I'll understand and we can just pretend that this letter has never happened and I wish for it to not change anything.. Okay.. I guess that's all I wanted to say.. -J '

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