Merry Christmas

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~ Chapter 33 ~

*2 weeks later*

Jack's health deteriorated..and he tried to hide it.

 We haven't made much conversation ever since I found out. Well, not intentionally at least. I rarely saw him but he made sure I'd catch a glimpse of him once or twice a day to show me that he's still alive and up on his feet. He got into his full outfit everyday and lathered up on the face paint, though at the end of the day I could still see parts of his infected skin. 

 This entire time I had racked my brain going through all the solutions that could work but all roads led me to a blocked end. I spent hours staring at his blood cells and trying to break down the components  in the blood samples I'd extracted from him. I tried everyday for the past two weeks but I couldn't even identify the specific component that was reacting so badly with his blood. I rarely slept and when I did, it wasn't next to Jack but either on the couch or the bar chair that I have spent wasted hours sitting helplessly on with no outcome. 

 Currently I was laying down on the couch. I felt empty. Helpless. I hated it. It was burning my insides. It  was killing me and I don't think that a worse feeling could ever exist. The worry was eating a hole through me and I couldn't take it any longer. I decided to grab the remote and turn on the television. I switched it on and as usual, I was met with the news channel. Sometimes I wondered if Gotham's TV channels ever played anything other than news anyway. 

I sighed and turned on the volume as the news presenter stopped talking and some footage played instead. Bane appeared on the ground with the drug tubes in his mask cut before he was dragged by Batman. Bruce.. I thought back to when I first watched the news and he was horribly defeated and laying still on the ground. He was okay. He was better than okay, he beat Bane. I watched as previous footage played of their fighting and then it hit me. Bruce. He probably has way more equipment than I can think of. He can probably break down these components in minutes. He can work on an antidote. I just need to convince him to help me.

I was going to grab the phone in my work purse but the service was overdue. So I just got the manor's land line number instead. I went to the phone downstairs and dialled the numbers then waited. First ring..Second ring..Third ri-

"Wayne Manor." A calm, British accent picked up.


"Hi Alfred." I spoke softly.

"Yes hello, Who is this?" He asked.

"Eva.." I replied.

"Oh Miss Striker! To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice?" He said.

"Alfred..I thought we agreed that you'd call me Eva now." I smiled at his never changing nature.

"Yes of course Miss Eva, how have you been?" He teased and I giggled.

"Not very well, Alfred. I need to talk to he home?" I asked with a tone of hope.

"I'm afraid not, Miss Eva. But however, I will inform him that you called and summon him to the phone  to return your call." He replied politely and my face dropped.

"Oh..alright then, but do tell him that it's urgent, Alfred. It was nice hearing your voice." I said.

"Yours as well, Miss Eva. I do hope you're well." He said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'll be fine. Thank you,  Alfred." I replied.

"I'll have Master Wayne call you as soon as he can. " 

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now