The Grand Finale

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~ Chapter 39 ~

* Bruce's P.O.V *

 I was currently heading back to the lab I had trapped Victor in to hand him the sample of Ra's enzymes. I unlocked the doors and they slid open. He could've escaped if he wanted to but I told him that I knew of something and that if he didn't comply it would be gone from his life. His wife Nora. I walked in and he was standing over the counter studying something through the microscope.

"Victor. I have the enzymes you needed. Here's a blood sample, you can contract them from that."  I spoke and he looked up from his microscope.

"I would ask where you managed to find an enzyme with such extreme characteristics as I have required from you but due to the look on your face and the tone of your voice, I have a feeling that I don't want to know." He replied as I handed the sample over to him.

"Just make it quick Victor. I don't have much t-" I was cut off by music. It wasn't just any song, it was a circus tune. 

I quickly activated my scanning vision and turns out that the sound was coming from my utility belt. I opened one of the compartments and found the phone Joker had stuck under my cowl. I had forgotten that I still carried it with me and now it was ringing. I took it out and it was an unknown number. I accepted the call and didn't have to wait long before a voice came booming through.

"Hey there, Bats." 

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oooo, a little short tempered today aren't we?!" He said in a tone of amusement.

"What's wrong?! The world's greatest detective struggling to find a cure?! How scandalous!" He gasped.

"I'm working on it." I replied.

"Well good! I just called to remind you that our clock is ticking Batman! And the clock of all those poor, defenceless citizens!" He threatened me.

"I'll bring it on time." I snapped.

"Goood. We'll see if you'll let us all down. Over and out, Batman ! " He spat my name and with that he hung up.

*Eva's P.O.V *

* A day later *

I haven't seen Jack ever since that kiss. It was 3 in the afternoon and I already had a gut feeling about today. I was in desperate need of a shower but that wasn't a priority at the moment.

"Eva!" I heard Jack's muffled yell from downstairs.

I made my way towards the door and opened it before descending the stairs. I looked over the railing and he was standing at the bottom of the stairs with his hand on the last post. I turned and descended the last few flights before standing in front of him.

"Yeah?" I spoke.

"He's almost done with the cure. He'll probably be here tonight and I want you to stay here while I go take them from him. I'll meet up with him on these grounds but you stay inside this warehouse. Am I understood?" He cocked his eyebrow at me.

"But what's wrong if I come with? Why do I hav-"

"No no no no. You're staying. Right here. I don't want to have yo to w-" He was cut off by a few coughs that ripped through his body.

His coughing escalated as his grip on the post tightened and he hunched over. I felt the adrenalin pump through my body as I quickly gripped his shoulders.

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now