Back Story ?!

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~ Chapter 6 ~

    This was my fourth coffee this morning. After my lovely session with the Joker yesterday, sleep and I weren't on good terms. Right now, I can't think of one patient that I haven't bombarded with a million yawns. If only I was this sleepy when I actually wanted to sleep.

Currently, I was on my way to the cafeteria to pick up an energy drink or something. My next session was with Joker again and I needed to be alert. I pushed the big doors and entered the cafeteria. I hated this place. It was far too big and crowded for my taste. Most people allowed in here were 'non-violent'. A.K.A. rich mob dealers the asylum wanted to suck up to. I moved along the room and past the tables of crowds in orange jumpsuits to the other counter which was for the staff. 

"Energy Drink, please." I said to the man behind the counter, who didn't even look up at me.

He moved a few steps back ,before telling one of the other workers what I wanted, then he mopped back to the back of the tiny kitchen. After a few seconds, I got my energy drink and made my way to a free table by the door. I sighed, taking a seat and opening my can and drinking it. I looked down at my watch and I still had one hour before our session. I laid my head on the table and started going through my phone. 

Beep-beep beep-beep.

My eyes opened and I looked around me . Oh god I fell asleep and woke up to the beeping of my watch. I thanked god it beeped every hour, for once I wasn't pissed off at it. I knew it was 4:00 PM but my clock was 10 minutes early. I drank the last few sips in the energy drink, before getting up and going to the bathroom. I rinsed my face with water, seeming more awake after my little nap. I took out some red lipstick and eyeliner and started applying them. 

I took one last glance at how I looked before leaving. I headed to the elevators down the hall and went up 2 levels. As the doors opened I got the slightest chills as I entered the cold hallway. It was always like this, this place. So dark and cold, they only kept the special cases here, and those who required special cells. I headed to the first cell and greeted the guard before he opened the door for me. As the door swung open, I was met with the Joker's signature smirk.  

"Oh we're wearing a lot of makeup today, aren't we. Is that by any chance my effect doll?" He smirked as I made my way to the chair.

I rolled my eyes, remembering my red lips. I stopped myself from telling him it was my way of hiding my lack of sleep. He'd also think it was 'his effect'.

"Good Morning, Joker" I spoke.

"I hate to break it to ya sweetie, but we're in the afternoon. I'm locked up in here with no windows, and I can still tell." He replied.


"How was your 'afternoon' then?" I asked.

"Well, they gave me a proper meal for a change. I think they're warming up to me." He spoke.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

"Alright.." I sighed grabbed my notebook.

"So, why the face paint? Like what's behind the whole clown get up?"  I asked getting on topic.

He looked at me for a few seconds before answering.

"Other than the scars? Well it's my war paint. They say give a man a mask, and he'll become his true self. Ironic isn't it?! " He answers.

"Well, what's behind the scars then?" I asked him the question I was dying to know the answer to.

" Y-you wanna know how I got these scars?" He said leaning forward and closer to me with his bound wrists in his lap.

" I was a retired solider, protecting my city in my free time. One day I woke up and annoyed a big predator. One of the gang leaders. I killed 7 of his people while they were relaxing by shooting down civilians. So, next day he kills my family and kidnapped me so I could see their bodies. Isn't he a sweet heart?! I had to wait for his majesty to arrive with roughly 5 of his men surrounding me. Boy did they love swearing. Their verbal abuse didn't get to me though. Anyway!! One of those lovely brutes had a gun on him. You know those useless Glock 18's?!" He said getting his bound wrists up between us. Making a gun with both of his hand, he pretended to be targeting something in the air.

" Never used one of those anyway.. Useless! You want to torture someone, you do it the right way..with a knife. Back on topic!! So, he puts it on the back of my head, K-kinda like this." He said now struggling to put his 'gun' on the spot at the back of his head, and pushing against the cuffs' metal, then he succeeds by keeping his head down, and I could see where parts of his hair where dirty blonde.

" So, he decides to keep me like this his royalty comes an our later. He said he'll leave me alive if I started working with him. When I refused, he wrapped one arm around my neck. Oh by the way! The gun guy is still keeping us company! He then takes out a knife and rips one side of my face. Straight through. Like a saw to a piece of wood. " He was now sitting straight and continued looking at me while he spoke, his hands in front of him, in the motion the man cradled his neck.

"Then they just left me there..In my blood and the blood and remains of my wife and kid, so I could slowly die from my injuries and blood loss. But no-no I couldn't do that could I?! No! I was far too angry to die. I barely made it home, and looked at my reflection. I saw that my picture wasn't complete. At least not yet! So, I tilt my head forward and stare at myself. I put the blade in my mouth  and carved the other side of my face.. I was out of my mind and felt no pain. I thought, not one of those bastards who did that to my family should see my pain and anger....They should see me smiling..while tearing them in pieces." He whispered almost venomously.


 EEEK! Big chapter !!

So..since some of you wanted another scars story and not a movie/comics one.. here it is!!!

I hope you guys like it!

Tell me what you think of army background Joker!

Another update will be up in a few hours!!

Maybe even 2 updates! 

Anyways! Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

Also! Copyright to the previous quote!

Hope you're all having a great day!

Much love xxx

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now