Breaking The Bat

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~ Chapter 29 ~

"What's what on my neck?" He spoke.

"T-that thing..that green scab like wound! What is that?!" I replied

He examined the other side of his neck and then furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"There's nothing there, Angel." 

"No, the other side! There!" I said stretching my hand out to point at it but stopping my finger just a few inches away.

He then moved his right hand to the left side feeling around his skin until his finger met it. He then rubbed over it a few times before walking towards the stairs and I followed behind. He then opened the bathroom door and craned his neck at the mirror, trying to get a better look at it.

"Oh.." He said.

"Oh?! What is that?!" I freaked out.

"It's probably just a mark from the injector gun, nothing serious doll." 

"Injector gun?! You took a dosage of the drug?!" I yelled.

"Yeah relax, I didn't jump in front of a bus." He said calmly.

"But you promised me you wouldn't try it out first!"

"Yeah and I didn't." He replied

"What do you mean?! I've been gone for two hours!" I highered my voice.

"I know, doll face. I tried it out on a henchman and he was perfectly fine so I tried some myself." He shrugged.

" It's supposed it kick in in a few hours " He grinned.

"What's supposed to kick in?! What's wrong with you, you didn't even wait to see the effects?! What if he started choking the minute he left here! How much did you inject him with?!" I gaped.

"Half a vial." He answered.

"I waited for an hour doll, then nothing happened so I tired some myself!" He said cockily.

"I can't believe you, how much did you inject yourself with?" I asked in defeat.

"A vial." He said casually, stepping out of the bathroom.

"A vial?! Why didn't you use half like when you tried it out on him?!" I yelled again.

He turned to me and put his hand on the metal railing between the room and bathroom and sighed.

"I wasn't gonna waste a full vial on him, Angel. I'm not an idiot." He replied

"Yeah but what if a vial is too much for you, you have never tried anything like this before!"

"Doll, it's been an hour and I'm here aren't I?! In the flesh and bone and nothing is wrong with me." He said jumping on the metal platform twice.

"See? Perfectly fine. Now I have to go get some sleep doll. When I wake up I need to read those parchments they sent me." He said moving to put his hand on the room's door.

"What parchments?! " I asked.

"Instructions, information about the drug, what to do next, et cetera et cetera. You know how these things work doll." He yawned.

Um no, I don't because you never fully explain anything to me before a calamity happens.

I bit my tongue to keep the words from escaping my lips and sighed.

"Okay.." I said softly.

"Alright, go watch some tv or something doll. Don't open the parchment though, I wanna open it when I wake up and don't worry. I'm gonna be fine." He gave me a pet to the head and went into the room.

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