be careful what you wish for

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i saw your pretty face
in the backwoods boulevard
shadow from the sunlight
reflection in the window
i thought things would finally go my way
but sometimes your wishes don't always come true so

blow out all of the candles
make your birthday wish
but be careful what you wish for
cause your biggest dreams
can turn into nightmares real quick
this much i learned in two months
but i would do anything to get it back
cause for once i was actually happy

i was there by your side
not in person but in spirit
i wouldn't have given up
if i hadn't felt there was no hope
tonight's the night i have to forget
cause remembering does me no good
so i'll just say fuck it
and try to move on with my life
but if you ever want to
i'll still be here waiting

blow out all of the candles
make your birthday wish
but be careful what you wish for
cause your biggest dreams
can turn into nightmares real quick
this much i learned in two months
but i would do anything to get it back
cause for once i was actually happy

i changed my perspective on things
i learned to appreciate what you got
when you got it
and i know now i should've just ignored what happened and let us be happy
but god damn it i felt so betrayed
and when im hurt, i tend to hurt others
i just wish you would hear me out
so we could go back to how we were before

blow out all of the candles
make your birthday wish
but be careful what you wish for
cause your biggest dreams
can turn into nightmares real quick
this much i learned in two months
but i would do anything to get it back
cause for once i was actually happy

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