the art of longing.

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for; george

"you alright?" fred nudged his brother, trying to break him out of his trance

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"you alright?" fred nudged his brother, trying to break him out of his trance. but george didnt bugde.

in the bustling corridors of hogwarts, george weasley found himself staring at you as you moved through the crowds with your mates, effortlessly with your laughter like music in the air which everyone adored.

yet, george felt a pang of longing every time he saw you, knowing you seemed closer to his twin than to him - although it was only his belief.

as george watched you interact with your friends, a sense of longing gnawed at him. he wished to be one of your friends - or maybe something more - but that's for later.

he wished he could at least be courageous like his twin who had no problem walking up to you and initiating a conversation.

"you're not still pining after y/n, are you?" fred chuckled, slinging an arm around george's shoulder.

"nah, she's just...she seems to get along better with you, that's all." george says, trying to play it cool.

fred raised an eyebrow. "you're reading too much into it, mate. she's just friendly. besides, you've got your own charms. maybe you should try talking to her sometime."

"yeah, easier said than done," george muttered, feeling a twinge of envy as he recalls watching you laugh at something fred said before.

in the dimly lit classroom of defence against the dark arts class, the professor was conspicuously absent, leaving the students to idle restlessly in their seats.

you, feeling the weight of exhaustion from a long night of studying, couldn't resist the temptation to steal a few moments of shut-eye. so you decided to take a nap.

unbeknownst to you, george, always one for mischief, noticed your peaceful slumber. his gaze lingered on your arm - a canvas awaiting inspiration.

he began to doodle using magic: using his finger to dance the quill across your skin, tracing whimsical patterns and playful designs on your arm.

as he finished doodling, he went back to his seat beside fred when the professor seems to be late for class.

after the class finally ended and you emerged from your brief nap, stretching and rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you notice the whimsical designs adorning your arm.

confusion furrowed your brow as you glanced around the room, wondering who could have been responsible for the unexpected artwork.

turning to your friends, you raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "did any of you see who did this?" you asked, gesturing to your arm.

your friends exchanged puzzled looks, shrugging in response. "not a clue," one of them replied. "though, knowing fred, he's always up to something."

a pang of envy surged through george as he watched you and fred engaged in conversation. his heart sank as he noticed the playful dynamic between you, the easy laughter and familiar banter that seemed to come effortlessly to his twin.

but it was the sight of you playfully pinching fred's cheek that truly twisted the knife in george's heart - a surge of jealousy washed over him as he watched the playful interaction, a bitter reminder of how effortlessly you seemed to connect with his twin.

the next class - in divination, you found yourself seated next to george, a departure from the usual arrangement where you sat with fred.

sensing an opportunity to address the mysterious doodles on your arm, you casually pulled up your sleeve, revealing the playful designs to george.

"pretty drawing, isnt it?" you remark lowly.

george glanced at the doodles, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of his handiwork adorning your skin. "yeah, fred did that when you were asleep," he says with his tone nonchalant.

you chuckled at his response, a teasing glint in your eyes. "am i sitting with the wrong twin here?"

george couldn't help but feel a surge of hope at your teasing remark, a flicker of possibility igniting within him. summoning his courage, he met your gaze, "perhaps you are," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

your eyes softened, "well then, maybe it's time i got to know the right twin," you said, a playful smile dancing on your lips.


"what's on your mind, george weasley?" you whisper.

"what are you on?" he questions in a low voice.

"tell me what you want from me,"

"go out with me,"

you gasp quietly, "go out with you?" you repeated, your voice barely above a whisper, your heart fluttering with uncertainty, "done,"

a grin spread across george's face, his eyes lighting up with joy and relief. "done? really? you mean it?"

you nodded, returning his smile with one of your own. "yes, i mean it. i'd love to go out with you, george,"

as the class continued, george found himself engaged in quiet conversations with you, holding your hand under the table, the barriers of shyness slowly melting away as you shared laughs and exchanged stories.

by the end of the lesson, george realized that perhaps he didn't need to compete with his twin for your attention after all.

he had his own charm, his own quirks that made him unique. and as you bid him farewell with a smile, promising to sit with him again in the next class, george couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of confidence blooming within him.

as he watched you walk away, the weight of envy and insecurity lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of anticipation for the moments yet to come.

for george weasley, the future suddenly seemed brighter, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a friendship - or maybe something more - with you by his side.

for george weasley, the future suddenly seemed brighter, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a friendship - or maybe something more - with you by his side

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