breaking bread, building bridges.

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for ; george

george weasley — breaking bread, building bridges

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george weasley — breaking bread, building bridges.

the scent of freshly cooked breakfast filled the cozy kitchen of the burrow as mum weasley bustled about, tending to the pots and pans on the stove. around the worn wooden table, you along with the three of weasley siblings gathered.

as mum weasley served up plates piled high with eggs, bacon, and toast, the silence at the table was deafening. each of you focused on your food, avoiding eye contact as if pretending nothing had happened(fred as confused as ever, while mum weasley too focused on serving food.)

george shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush as he stole a glance in your direction. you met his gaze briefly before hastily looking away, your heart pounding in your chest.

ginny, sitting opposite you, fidgeted with her fork, her brow furrowed in thought. she knew something was amiss, but she wisely chose to remain silent, not wanting to escalate the tension any further.

"how's everyone's breakfast? dig in, dears, before it gets cold." mum weasley says before excusing herself to the kitchen.

fred, ever the mediator, broke the uneasy silence. "so," he began, his voice casual, "any plans for the day, anyone?"

his question hung in the air, a lifeline thrown into the midst of the tension. george glanced up from his plate, relief evident in his eyes at the change of subject, choosing to stay quiet nonetheless.

as ginny reached for her glass of pumpkin juice, she mumbled something about needing to shut the door properly and muttered about it being too early for some things, mentioning she already had a headache.

fred's booming laugh cut through the tension like a knife. "what's that, ginny? too early for what?" he asked, glancing between you, his twin, and his sister.

george holds back his laugh, recalling the face ginny made earlier. her eyes were wide open. remember the face she had when she saw harry first time at the burrow? yeah, she made that face.

you slapped your shameless boyfriend on his shoulder lightly, earning an awkward cough in response. george clears his throat as he changes the topic to the joke shop.

"so, speaking of early mornings," fred began, "picture this: extendable alarm clocks that fly around the room, ringing loudly until you catch them. guaranteed to wake even the deepest sleeper!"

"how about a doorknobs that warns people before they enter the room," ginny mumbles.

george fakes a cough, grabbing everyone's attention at the table, "i'll join you, fred,"

you nodded in agreement, grateful for fred's intervention. "and I might tag along, see if I can lend a hand," you added, trying to sound nonchalant despite the lingering unease.

ginny, sensing the shift in atmosphere, visibly relaxed, "sounds like a plan. maybe i'll join you later," she chimed in, her voice lighter than before.

as laughter filled the room, tension melted away. george's joke about extendable alarm clocks sparked a flurry of banter, and soon you were all immersed in playful chatter, leaving the morning's discomfort behind.

 george's joke about extendable alarm clocks sparked a flurry of banter, and soon you were all immersed in playful chatter, leaving the morning's discomfort behind

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