spoiled fruit, sour mood.

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for ; fred

as fred's arm casually slips around your shoulders, you don't notice the subtle tension in his touch

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as fred's arm casually slips around your shoulders, you don't notice the subtle tension in his touch.

oblivious to the tension, you continue chatting with caleb, unaware of the storm brewing beside you as you bid them both goodbye, leaving for your next class.

fred stands in front of caleb, hands in pockets, towering over him, with a confident stance, thanks to his height advantage. his gaze is steely, a silent warning to caleb, as if daring him to challenge fred's authority.

caleb meets fred's stare head-on, his own demeanor unwavering as he refuses to back down in the face of fred's silent challenge. despite the tension crackling between them, neither man shows any sign of faltering, locked in a silent battle of wills.

with a sly grin, fred remaks, "you know she's not into rotton tomatoes," indirectly referring to caleb as the spoiled fruit.

caleb's confident facade wavers for a moment, his jaw tensing at fred's veiled insult. he meets fred's gaze with a sharp glare, refusing to let fred's remark go unchallenged.

"listen, mate. she's taken by me-"

"i don't give a damn," caleb cuts, "i won't give up on her,"

before another word can be exchanged, tension thick in the air, a forceful punch lands right across caleb's face. the sound reverberates through the corridor, echoing off the stone walls.

gasps ripple through the bystanders as caleb staggers backward, his hand flying to his cheek in disbelief. fred stands before him, unfazed.

the aftermath of the altercation doesn't escape the notice of the hogwarts staff. before long, fred finds himself summoned to mcgonagall office, where he receives detention for his impulsive actions.

you meet him outside the office, arms crossed while you look up at him with fierce eyes. to which he simply cups your face, planting a quick kiss on your lips.

"i've got punishment. and that too sorting and organising the mountains of books without magic," he sighs, "this is going to take ages,"

you chuckle, "well, maybe next time you'll think twice before throwing punches," you tease, earning a sheepish grin from fred in response.

"yeah, yeah, i know," fred replies, rolling his eyes good-naturedly. "just don't leave me alone with all these books, yeah?"

knowing full well that fred could use the company during his detention, you remark "don't worry, i'll keep you entertained," you assure him.

fred nods as he adds, "and let's make sure to steer clear of any rotten tomatoes while we're at it."


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