between wit and wisdom.

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for ; fred

fred weasley was known for his mischievous grin, his quick wit, and his penchant for trouble

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fred weasley was known for his mischievous grin, his quick wit, and his penchant for trouble. but beneath the facade of mischief, there was a side to fred that few people had ever seen.

it was a crisp autumn afternoon, and the great hall buzzed with the usual chatter of students enjoying their lunch. amidst the noise, you sat quietly at the table, flipping through a book while absentmindedly picking at their food.

fred chuckled softly as he approached you, admiring your ability to multitask — eat and read at the same time.

"looks like you could use an extra hand," he remarked with a playful grin. "mind if I feed you while you read?"

"that would be lovely," you accepted his offer, letting him feed you soup as if you were a baby.

"i can't wait for her to find out it's him at chapter 3," you say, not taking your eyes of the book.

"isn't this the book you read twice?"

"thrice," you correct. closeing the book unintentionally loud, "and did you read the book i gave you?"

"oh yeah...yeah that book i — i,"

you watched him suspiciously as he struggled speaking with your stern gaze at him. he sighs. "sorry, i forgot,"

you feel a pang of disappointment at his forgetfulness, your enthusiasm dampened by his lack of attention. "it's okay," you say softly, the disappointment lingers in your voice, "stay. i'll be right back," you declare before getting up and leaving.

meanwhile, george comes up and sits in front of him. "so," george starts.

"so?" fred questions, looking puzzled by his twin's sudden appearance and tone.

"you've gone soft, mate,"


"you always listen to her. like you're following every advice she offers, every book she lends. plus, it's not only me who says it," george admits.

fred's brows furrow in confusion. "says who then?"

"hmn. that only girl from the ravenclaw quidditch team, katie bell from our quidditch team, those second year griffindors we met in the common room, nigel, granger, ginny, mom, and me,"



"well, i don't care,"

you returned to the table, a stack of books in your arms, and plopped them down with a little thud. fred looked up, a little startled by the sudden noise, but his expression softened as he saw you.

"sorry for the wait," you said, flashing fred a small smile. "it was difficult to find the wizard's version of these books. but i finally got them,"

"what's all this?" george questions.

"books i think fred will like,"

the 7 books titled 'diary of a wimpy kid(wizard version)' in which the pictures would move like a gif.

you grinned, "i thought they might be a fun change of pace from all the magical textbooks."

as fred delved into the book, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. despite the earlier disappointment, you were glad to see him enjoying himself.

meanwhile, george leaned in to inspect the books. "not a bad choice, y/n. looks like you know my brother pretty well,"

"just trying to keep things interesting," you shrugged modestly, "by the way, madam pince called me. she needs help, i'll see ya later,"

before you left to assist madam pince, fred glanced up from the wizard version of 'diary of a wimpy kid' and caught your eye with a grateful smile. george watched the interaction with a knowing look.

"you're lucky to have her, you know," george remarked, his tone softened.

fred nodded, his gaze following you as you disappeared to the library. "yeah, i know," he admitted quietly, a warmth spreading through him at the thought of your thoughtfulness.

with a newfound appreciation for your presence in his life, fred returned his attention to the book, chuckling at the animated illustrations dancing across the pages.

and as he read on, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was more to his mischievous grin and quick wit than met the eye.

and as he read on, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was more to his mischievous grin and quick wit than met the eye

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