1. Heaven Goes Down

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"Samuel, please wait!" You shout quite loudly for him to hear, and as he realizes it's you who calls out his name the moment he turns around, a big smile displays on his delicate and charming innocent-looking face from the view of you a little bit far away.

"I told you to call me Lucifer, didn't I?" He says with a chuckle as he waits for you to catch up to him. You had found him in a hallway of the courthouse, high chance that he was walking to the meeting you both had to attend in about half an hour.

"Right, Lucifer!" You say with a smile as you finally stand in front of him, and you lean against a wall, trying to slightly catch your breath. "Lucifer, Lucifer..Lucifer. Mhm.." As his name rolls out of your tongue, his gaze shies away with a nervous smile. "Don't you like it? I thought it would be good to have a name chosen by me, all our names are so similar, so I thought-" he started to ramble, surely trying to explain himself more than he had to.

"It's perfect" You say as you give him a thumbs up with a large grin."I like it! I should probably do that too, let me think it over!" You finish off quickly as you stand up straight, energetically as you have always done.

"Mhmm..how about-"






"Y/N." you hear.





As you blink, your whole surrounding changes, making you sigh tiredly at the sight of an angry seraphim in front of you. "Were you even paying attention to what I have said? This is not a proper behavior to have in this situation! You should follow your assigned virtue to perfection!" Sera questions in a quite loud voice, showing how stressed and worried she was. It annoyed you so much the fact that out of all the seraphims they had to choose her to be the one to handle the council.

"I heard you, you shalln't have the need to raise your voice to speak to me ever again, Sera." You say in a firm tone, showing defiance to her status was your speciality. You two have always had different ideals, it was no surprise to anyone that you disliked her, based on your assigned virtues you just couldn't stand her, what irony that she claimed you had to follow them.

"I..I apologize. But we must find out what we can do for Adam to come back to Heaven." She states in a quiet untrue tone, you could sense it. She was sick of you, and sick of all the problems that were accumulating since the exterminations started to happen. It was no secret for the high-ranking angels what had been going on the past seven years, yet they surely had kept it from you, and not only you but the majority of the archangels and cherubims who had any type of strong connection with the souls, as it was quite obvious the fact that you all would have rejected the idea. You didn't know the details yet, but Emily had told you everything she knew after the court that had taken place a month ago.

"I'll do it, the on-going confusing situation with the status of Adam, I'll fix it, alright? So you better lighten up, and start updating all of the other angels of the high-council on what has happened. The Lord will not be happy, and neither will the council, so get ready to get an earful from all of them." You warn as you stand up, sending a warm smile to Emily who clearly had a distressed face from all the situation, but just before you can reach the handle of the door, sudden harmonies play behind you as a golden light illuminates the room, followed with a light thud. As confused noises are heard from a man, you slowly turn around in a cautious manner, spear manifested in your hand's grip as you view the figure in front of you, a...man? A serpent? You weren't even quite sure on what category to put him in, maybe just both.

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