5. Plan Set

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As you munch on the toast and eggs that Vaggie made you, you couldn't help but notice her annoyed and untrustful stare at you as Charlie had started explaining all the details about how Hell supposedly worked, since up in Heaven, only the high-ranking elders knew something about its hierarchy and running, and not even that much to note since the communication between the two realms was quite strained, to say. Vaggie left shortly to let you both sort things further out.

"After my Dad who is king of Hell, which at the moment is in kind of a break from his duties? It's hard to explain, I suppose, there's me, the princess" She had started and you even stopped chewing on the toasted bread with a confused frown. "Shouldn't Lilith be the queen?" You ask without thinking before you look up from your toast alerted at your slip up.

"You know my mother?" She asks, confused, which makes you chew faster to be able to answer properly, anxiety already rising from the bad memories you had with her, already feeling resentment and dislike from talking about her. "Well—I mean—Not that much!" You say distressed, shoving an entire fried egg into your mouth to stop yourself from talking. You were slipping up too much and it's barely been 20 hours from your arrival in Hell.

"Oh...from Eden?" Charlie says, now curious and willingly to hear from you about her mother, which you don't even know, is absent. You finish eating the fried egg before talking again.

"Uh..You could say so. That's from where I know Adam too. The difference is that Adam stayed after you know..and Lilit—Your mother, didn't. Haha!" You state, really awkwardly looking in all kinds of directions except the excited princess in front of you who now had requested to hear more about how her mother was back in the first days of human creation.

"Well—Lilith was.. uh how to put this without being mean—" You start to mutter to yourself with a frown, already feeling the disappointment and sulking of Charlie in the other seat. "A bitch? A cunt? A hoe? A disgra—" "We get it Adam. Look Charlie..your mother was not the best example of humanity back in the day" You say as you interrupt Adam who just had approached the princess and you in the middle of the conversation about his first wife.

"Oh.." Charlie mutters to herself as she sulks back in her chair. "Look..I mean, I'm sure she has changed for the better now right? How is she now?" You say, trying to reanimate the conversation as you shove out Adam who was trying to sit next to you on the couch.

"Well..aha—I wouldn't know." She mutters, her voice shaky, and you frown at this. What does she mean? Is the first thought that plagues your mind as you look at her worriedly, since you could almost feel the sadness radiating from her contrasting shiny and bubbly personality that you had already assigned her. Of course you don't know if this was a common thing to occur, since you had only met her yesterday, but something tells you that the fact that she was with this mood was not usual, and for some reason it preoccupied you. Maybe for the fact that she resembled her father too much, or maybe simply because of the fact that she is her father's daughter.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." You state with a soft tone, the usual one you would use with those lost human souls you had to help from time to time back in heaven, and a soft smile as you get up, sit next to her on the couch she's sat in, and put a hand on her shoulder. "I know we barely know each other. But I am an angel meant to protect, do not fear contacting me if you ever need a reliable shoulder to cry or vent to, my shoulder is quite strong you see." You end with a wink and a giggle, trying to lighten up the mood.

You meant every word. Your sole creation was meant to be a shield, a strong core to rely on, it was who you were always meant to be. "I can assure you she has strength" Adam mutters annoyedly, as if he's remembering all the times you two quelled and you won with a far advantage, which made you chuckle. Deep down you know this was Adam's attempt of change and comfort from his part. He had never been good at it, but you are glad that after the talk with Charlie and him about his redemption, he's trying to not be that insufferable. Small steps were key to success. And speaking about the princess, she feels like she could go ahead and cry like she was a child again.

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