8. Eventful Noon

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"Cannibal Town? Never heard of it." You say.

After the talk with Lucifer and Alastor requesting your help with a task, you were left with the Radio Demon to explore the dangerous city while you both arrived at the destination.

"It is a marvelous and nice part of Pentagramm City! Our dear Charlie loved her time there, I'm sure you will too." He tries to assure as you both walk side by side, for some reason he had wanted you to link arms with him so no one could even fathom to think of attacking you, due to your very obvious mysterious figure with the cloak you're wearing to hide your angelic identity.

"I don't know Alastor. Cannibal doesn't sound too nice does it." You state worried, you could feel shivers just by thinking of a human eating another human, it was just not...something you were used to, and practically speaking you don't think you would get used to that.

"No wonder, but may I add that they only eat already dead beings! If that clears your mind better." He replies with his usual smile, in hopes of convincing you that they weren't that bad, but you really couldn't think anything of it, and the look back of disgust just made him laugh.

"I don't really like this city, it's just so..not my style." You mention as you look around, it's not like you can see a lot with your almost covered vision because of the cloak's cape, but you wished you really couldn't see your surroundings at all, at some points you even tried covering your ears from the loud screams and profanities.

"It may be hard to adjust for you, I do wonder how it is up there." Alastor says as he looks at you, waiting for an answer. "It is also loud, don't get me wrong, just...the main city is really noisy, but a good atmosphere mostly, you know, everything being...perfect and all." You say with a strained smile upon having to describe it as 'perfect'.

"You don't look so sure about it, my dear" He questions. Of course he had to be that observant. You know that he's just trying to get either information on Heaven or trust with you, you weren't that dumb. But, for this past week you barely interacted with anyone, and you really needed someone to talk with, Alastor just had a preoccuping timing of needing help that aligned with your loneliness. Most of the hotel were sinners with no manners or sense of etiquette, you really felt left out those moments of having to spend time with everyone together. Alastor, even if you knew he wasn't a good person since he's in Hell for a reason, at least had respect for you and acted like a gentleman.

"I mean, I didn't live in any of the cities filled with winners, they didn't align with my line of work. I just visited them shortly if I was needed in court. Not like they call me for the important ones." You mutter the last part, remembering the fact that anything related with exterminations or Hell connecting with Heaven for upbringing their Hotel idea wasn't on your plate.

"So there's more than just the cities?" He questions. "Yeah, there's the citadel—I mean yeah.." You say, slipping up before trying to cover it up, looking away as you can feel Alastor's smile widening further, if it even could actually do that. "A citadel? My! Isn't that interesting? I have heard of it, when I was a kid you see." And now you were curious, and curiosity was a dangerous thing, not only in Heaven, but in Hell.

"Really? When you were human?" You say as you lift up a little your cloak, enough for your curious shining eyes to see Alastor's face, since he was half a head taller than you, you had some difficulty before. "My mother was a religious fellow, you see, and sometimes in her bedtime stories that she would read to me, she told me about this fortress in Heaven where the high-ranking angels were meant to live and oversee, as well as protect the entirety of Heaven. She adored it." He explains, and you are left wondering about it. You can practically see the fondness in his red eyes while he talks about his mother, it's almost something nice to see.

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