3. Confusion

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Ding ding

The doorbell ringed loudly in the newly-built reception of the Hazbin Hotel, making some heads turn to the direction of the entrance's door, and mutters could be heard from different people that were just recently resting from the renovation of the Hotel, since a few hours ago, it had been completely destroyed from the battle against the exterminations.

So Lucifer wondered, who could it be this early after the battle? Not many citizens, to not say none, were actually interested in redemption, and he was sure that after the confrontation with Heaven, the chances of actual clients to his daughter's project were even slimmer.

"I'll get that! Maybe it's a sinner seeking help or even someone who is interested in our cause!" Charlie exclaimed, happily and joyful, like always as she giggles, which makes everyone around her feel more at ease. It was something she managed to do every time.

As Charlie opened the door, a cloaked figure a little bit taller than her was on the other side. All Lucifer could see was from her nose to her neck, assuming the cloaked figure was a she, and yet a sense of familiarity already hitted the fallen angel as he tried to get a better view of the figure, curiosity hitting him like a truck, but the figure was soon out of his reach as Charlie got closer to the figure in her tiptoes, making him sigh in annoyance and not pay too much attention.

Soon after, he heard the door slamming shut which alerted Husk, Vaggie and him, and a panicked, fearful expression was displayed on her daughter's face, which alerted both, Vaggie and him. The protective duo got closer to her in an attempt to figure out how she ended up her interaction with the mysterious cloaked figure this way. "There's an angel outside" She managed to get out between her deep worried breaths.

Lucifer frowned at this, ready to confront the angel outside, but Charlie stopped him, saying they had to plan something. After minutes of talking, another doorbell ring was heard, and Charlie screamed in fright from the sudden noise. "I'll just go to my room, rather not eat the angel once she enters." The radio demon says, and for once, Lucifer felt happy about something he had said, the fallen angel hated his guts after all. Then Niffty said something murderous, followed by Vaggie trying to calm her down, trying to calm everyone down.

He couldn't just stand there and do nothing, so he approached the door, reaching for the handle, and before he opened the door himself, the door was opened by the angel on the other side. He looked up to see you. And oh was he left speechless at the sight of you. His eyes widened more than he could ever imagined as his mouth was left agape, and then you slammed the door shut at his sight. The others who were watching the interaction cautiously, were left curious as Lucifer made his way back to where all the others were, silent from the shock.

'What the hell is she doing here?' was his first thought. And then memories swarmed as he couldn't stop everything from being relived again. The laughs, the smiles, the warm gazes, the endless conversations....the kiss. And even more ache to his heart, the silent and cold looks, the ignoring and the silent goodbye. The broken promises, your cries and the pain in his heart. A pain that was coming back, just like a bird that flies away for a season but always finds its way back to its original nest.

Being too caught up in the memories, Lucifer doesn't even notice the fact that now you were inside of the hotel, talking with Charlie, and he deepened his frown even more at the interaction, confused and somehow hurt. The look on your face of shock, trying to get him out of your sight, the moment you had seen him made him question your intentions here, and not only that but, what were you going to do with him? How did you even feel about him now?

He zoned out again, too caught up on his self-destroying thoughts as he now realized the change of scenery again, you were hugging Adam. Wait, when did THAT loser even come into the scene? Why were you hugging him? What was going on? "Oh yeah, forgot about your thanatophobia, loser." Adam says as a reply to something you had said, Lucifer assumes, and in response you punch Adam in the stomach. He was beyond confused, to say the least. Thanatophobia? And Lucifer remembers it well, that was heavily connected with the fear of losing people, he has been suffering from it ever since Lilith..and he realizes. You feared losing people. You didn't have that fear before he happened. Did he cause you that?

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