10. Lu Lu World!

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"I have the perfect idea!" He states with enthusiasm in his tone and red eyes before grabbing your wrist and with a delicate hold of it, and launching the both of you to the floor. You yell in fright from the sudden action before making no contact with the floor but instead meeting with the fuzzy familiar feeling of Lucifer's portal.


As you stop squinting your eyes, and get used to the change of a new light, specially the emitting light of a clearer red sky, it somehow was way lighter than what it was from what you remember it being like. Something that alerts you is the fact that you cannot maintain your angelical appearance in a public setting, so you immediately hide your wings (something unusual and odd to you since you always have them displayed) and summon a feminine fedora hat to hide your halo under it.

As you now focus on where Lucifer, who for some reason still has a hold of your wrist, has teleported the both of you, you gasp in amazement at the sight in front of you; an amusement park. But not the average amusement park; it was huge, hundreds if not thousands of rides and stands that you could see from the entry you both were situated in, which was just as splendid on its own. To your surprise, most of the theme park was golden and green, not much of red, which made a huge contrast against the soft red sky.

"Welcome to Lu Lu World!" Lucifer says excited as he extends his arms theatrically to emphasize the grandeur of the amusement park. "Lu—Lu?" You say realizing where the name comes from and you snort laughing out loud, making him nervous upon your sudden display.

"You named it after the nickname I gave you?!" You say trying to catch your breath, you definitely weren't expecting that. While he had hundreds of nicknames and names, you were the only one who back in the days used to call him 'Lu', his family just using the whole name or other nicknames like 'Luce' or 'Luci'. You can practically see Lucifer trying to laugh it off, but the way his red cheeks have turned a new shade of deeper red, makes you smile at his embarrassment at the situation.

"I mean, it is a good nickname" He huffs out, crossing his arms with a pout, and you can't help but laugh harder. "Alright alright, but we can't stay here for too long, okay? 20 minutes tops and we are back to work." You say using your height to tower him a little bit with a raised eyebrow. He grins back with a nod, knowing damn well that the both of you were going to stay for hours.


"Did you design this?" You ask curiously as you drink a 'Caramelized Apple Mocktail', non-alcoholic per your choice as your distaste drinking anything alcohol related unless it's red wine, that Lucifer bought for you. You really had to find a way to win money, since you just practically only own HeavenBucks, and have no absolute idea of how money works in Hell.

"Of course I did. That's why it's the best amusement park in all the seven rings of Hell!" He states pridefully, and you unconsciously roll back your eyes at his prideful nature. "Mhm, I heard from Al that you are in a lawsuit with the Sin of Greed cause he made a rip-off version." You mention, remembering back when you asked the Radio Demon about any cultural information of the other rings, of course he only knew mere rumors since he couldn't access them for his sinner nature. Lucifer's eyes twitch, and he doesn't know what annoys him more; the mention of his fellow sin or of the radio-trash bastard.

"Well, not only Mammon endangered the lives of the hellborn people, since his amusement park is absolute garbage, but his was just a cheaper copy of my own one! He's practically making money out of my image." He starts ranting upset as he manifests the actual official paper of his lawsuit in his hands and lets you read through it.

While the both of you continue to walk, you finish reading it in seconds practically and hand it back to him with care. "Well he seems to see you as a friend?" You say unsure, and Lucifer laughs at your statement. "We are far from friends! Goodness no!" He exclaims after and you frown. "Are you not..uh friends with the other sins?" If you weren't going to be productive with paperwork, at least you could get information from the King himself about the other rings or Hell itself, which was always good for your mission here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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