4. Confrontation

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It all happened in a blur to you. You had entered your new room in the Hazbin Hotel before Lucifer, as he had stepped to the side to let you enter first. You had seen your room after that, trying to ignore the nervous and anxious desperate hold that was craving in your heart, screaming to just hug the figure that was now in front of you.

You blink. Right. Lucifer was now in front of you, in a chair that had been neatly kept beside a desk you assume was set up so you could work easier, and you were on the edge of the bed you will be sleeping in for the next few months. His eyes are anywhere but you, as if he's too afraid to see how you are looking at him. You just try to keep your gaze firm and cold, afraid to show any more feeling to the man who is still quiet, but there still is that betraying soft glint in your eyes, showing exactly the fact that you have indeed missed him.

He sighs, and finally looks at you, taking off his hat and getting ready to start speaking. "I have missed you" he states, yet he looks unsure of saying that outloud. Your eyes widen at the statement, not trusting it. "Yeah right, and my name is Sera, an annoying bitch that thinks she's better than everyone else" you say, a hint of annoyance and mock in your voice as you look away. You were not giving him the satisfaction of the confession that you too have missed him.

He laughs, whole-heartedly. He had missed your behavior overall, and your mocking and sassines just hit him with nostalgia, just like the old times. He knows he's in the wrong, talking to you, telling you that he has missed you. It was all wrong and unfair to you, to your heart, but he was selfish. For once, now someone from the past was here, someone he truly loved, and now he wanted to be selfish and keep you, because he couldn't in the past with Lilith, he didn't with you. He left you, and he knows deep down that it still hurts you, and your hurt hurts him too.

"Stop laughing. It's not funny" You say in a serious tone. You had changed, it was obvious. You look more mature, and eyebags are visibly under your eyes, as if for eons you haven't stopped working, which he can perfectly assume that it was in fact true that you haven't rested in a long time, and it pains him to see how little you had been taking care of yourself.

"What? Have you become like all the other elders up there? Serious and no-fun?" He says, in a teasing way that almost makes you smile, almost. He was trying hard for you to soften to him, but you couldn't. You just couldn't give up thousands of years mourning and being fucked up because of him to go away in an instant. He hasn't even apologized for anything yet. He's trying to act as if what happened between you both before his fall never happened in the first place, and you definitely aren't going to go on that path too.

"How would you know? You have been in this hellhole for eons. Things have changed up there." And it was a lie, kind of. The elders like you were now even more strict, and busy. But your words were meant for Michael and Emily, the only two higher-up angels that now were held dearly in your heart. Michael had changed, he was more carefree now after eons of working, and Emily was on a whole new level for the angels. She was a dreamer from the younger generation, a dangerous thing to be, and you had to admit you were afraid for her future in Heaven.

"Have they now?" He questions with a mocking tone. He does not believe that, if anything, he knows just by looking at you that it is in fact false, yet he is expectantly amused by your defensive display of them. You roll your eyes as you cross your arms.

"Look, Sin of Pride." ouch. You can't even call him by his name? His mocking smile falters at that. It sure was quick for him to go from a prideful person to an insecure one. "If you are going to act like nothing happened" you state coldly, signaling with a finger between you and him. "That's your choice, but don't expect me to do the same." Your heart breaks at your own words as you force yourself to glare at him, too tired from the eventful day and too tired to deal with an egocentric dick that thought he could do anything he wanted. Not with you.

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