9. Mixed Beliefs

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As you walk across the hallways of the Hazbin Hotel, you end up in the white and golden door you had been in front of almost two weeks ago, nervous to be in this position again.

Your second week in the hotel had been everything except exciting. You started running errands for the sinners, participated in and directed some redemptional activities and mostly tried to socialize with no avail with every new sinner that came as a new resident, yet it just was impossible. You couldn't fit in all this, you were just good at paperwork and work behind the scenes, and having nothing to do since you annihilated your tasks in over a week left you hanging around, seeing everyone kind of have their place except you.

This all changed the moment you received a letter from Heaven, hours ago. It had been from Sera, a reply to your informative message you had sent over a week ago, and you wonder if things are that hectic up there for her to have taken so long on replying. The important thing was that you finally had new tasks and objectives, and you are absolutely planning on working hard on each of them.

Knock Knock~

You knock the mentioned-before door, more calm than last time since Lucifer and you weren't on awkward terms anymore, but it definitely has been kind of odd to you in a way; you both act like acquaintances, and didn't really talk about anything that had happened to you, both too afraid to do so. The weirdest thing of it all is that, when you both had time alone together (and it was very very rare since you both always got interrupted from any conversation alone), Lucifer acted different that when you two were with someone else's presence: more shy, more nervous and overall weirder, not in a bad way of course.

It kind of felt like all the way back in Heaven, like back in the first days of your friendship, and it just seemed funny to you. You both realized how much the both of you changed, and it was like getting to know eachother again, yet there was always some specific behaviors or interests that still remained, like Lucifer's hyperfixation in ducks, or your love for reading.

As the door opens wide, you are now taken away from your own thoughts to focus on the charming man in front of you, being in his —what you found out not too long ago— his to-go outfit. He ridiculously owned hundreds of copies of it, you knew it too well, when he gets a hyperfixation, there's no salvation for him.

"(Y/N)! Didn't expect to see you here this soon." He says with a teasing glint in his gaze as he leans in the door. "Don't flatter yourself, Sin of Pride" you reply, rolling your eyes with a smile that you cannot deny upon the devil's laugh from your statement at him. "We finally got work to do, King of Hell. Where shall we start?" You ask, mockingly calling him by his title with a grin, he shrugs as he looks inside of his room for a moment before looking at you again. "Yeah...my bedroom, I don't think so." He says with an awkward smile as he closes his door behind him and you groan. "Let's go to mine." but before you start walking down the hallway, Lucifer grabs your wrist, his touch cold against your warm one, and you yelp as he pulls you in into what you quickly recognize as his signature teletransportation magic, the nostalgia of the fuzzy red and golden sparkles bringing back unwanted memories.


"You really are telling me that you don't know how to fly?" Lucifer said as he broke down into laughter, your wings twitched in embarrassment as you punched his arm and he groaned in pain. "I may not know how to fly, but I'm physically stronger than you." You had said with pride as he smiled. "I can teach you how to fly, if you teach me how to throw good hits." He offered, and you frowned.

"You don't need to learn those things" You muttered, looking away as Lucifer's curiosity gained his self-discipline of not questioning things. "Why not? I mean, it's cool and this way I can protect myself, you know in any emergency case." He argumented. "I would protect you" You state unconsciously, and to Lucifer's favor, you couldn't feel or hear how fast his heart was beating inside his chest, the words not even processing enough through his puzzled mind.

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