6. Sweet Dreams

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You cried.

It was the only thing you had done ever since his fall. The aching feeling felt like a spade stabbing your heart, one that was stuck too deep in to ever heal, it felt cruel foremost.

The surroundings just made you feel more isolated than ever, flashbacks and good memories that were done in the same spot you were kneeled in taunting mockingly at your sensibility of the moment, it just hurted more, but it was a pain that you could only cry out.

No amount of work and sleep could take anything out of your mind, you tried, you really did. It was like a coping mechanism of sorts, one where you would purposely drown yourself in the paperwork that Heaven needed to keep functioning at its best, just to end up asleep every night in the same desk you spent every day in.

It had become a miserable state, and you were sure if Michael knew well enough how you were mistreating yourself, he wouldn't let it happen. But you had kept it a secret from everyone: "you just didn't have the appetite" or "you had already eaten", were the perfect excuses. "I was sleeping the whole morning cause I had been busy the whole day before" was the best distraction from your own thoughts, actually. "I'm busy, maybe we'll talk about it later" was the perfect cover-up to avoid confrontation about your heartbreak.

At one point, it all just had become a loop that you had created for yourself, it was pathetic, but not even the guilt could take away the comfort that you felt in your own sadness.

As you looked up at the stars, you analyzed them, searching for that one special star that the Lord had created to guide humans to safety. You shouldn't have been in Eden that night, but the comforting smell of apples and sweetness filled the atmosphere in a way that it was almost healing.

Upon looking around the surroundings and hugging your knees in an attempt to fight against the breezy wind, you heard footsteps and your eyes immediately widened in horror upon the fear of being catched where you weren't supposed to be, and you couldn't afford getting a bad image.

But as you got up and tried to fly your way out of the mysterious person's eyesight, something tugged your lower wings and you immediately yelped in both, surprise and pain, as you got grabbed down to the floor, losing balance and in the process you just fell on top of the person who grabbed you unexpectedly.

"What in the Lord's name-" you groan as you try to stand up, but as you attempt to do so, the figure underneath you groans and you recognize it to be a male one. It couldn't be, it wasn't his, not a chance. As you sat on your knees on top of the figure, you immediately frowned upon recognizing him to be one of the first created humans, Abdal—Adam or something.

"Hey?" He smiled nervously as you huffed and rolled yourself to the other side before handing him a hand to help him up, which he took and dusted off before looking at you, kind of with admiration of some sorts. "First man, no?" You questioned shortly and as he nodded the frown you wore seemed to dissipate slightly. "Tugging someone's wing like that could cause an injury, don't do it again." You said before starting to walk off, not wanting to have ruined your status and good reputation again by a man.

"Wait. Uh—How do I put this?.." Adam said, grabbing your wrist, and as you turned around you saw his puffy red eyes. He had been crying. Your wings twitched a bit from the mediocre sad sight, and you just raised your eyebrow questioningly at him.

"You were crying." He stated. "Really? Didn't notice it." You replied in sass, crossing your arms with frown. "I mean—You were alone. I don't want you to be alone, because I also don't like it when I'm alone." he said, before smiling a little, and your heart ached at the hurt man in front of you. You could recognize that gaze anywhere, cause it was the one you always had when you looked at yourself in the mirror, that of someone who was abandoned.

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