2. Meeting

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It had been a normal day, you had been reading the whole day in one of the gigantic libraries that the citadel had to offer. All the book had been created for the angels to read about wonders outside of heaven, imaginary adventures that angels got to go to if

they were brave enough, poems, and your personal favorite; a book that had a recollection of information of the creatures that had been created. You didn't even remember the amount of times you had read it, and to no surprise, everytime you would come back to it, there would have been new creatures added, which made you wonder (a quite dangerous thing); if God had any help with fabricating the new animals that were added to the book. You even had memorized everything about your own favorites.

And so you asked. It took you a while to be able to meet your creator, as he was occupied with a new project that he called "Eden", a garden, a new home for two new creatures denominated "humans". You didn't like the sound of it. It didn't sound as funny as an 'aberrant bush warbler' or a 'humuhumunukunukuapua'a', honestly you just wondered how in God's name did a creature get named like that. The conversation was short, to say the least, a few curious words from you, a kind response from him. He had told you that he had created a new series of angels, you have read about them before; archangels, the princes of heaven, and that some of them were assigned to design new creatures for God's on-going project, which explained the amount of new creatures that had been added to the book.

As the both of you walked down the hallways of the citadel, he had told you that you could meet the new animals before they were delivered to Earth, as with his explanations of his new-found task, he had explained overly well how he planned on creating the planet for this new creatures, it was confusing, and you felt kind of bad for all the other creations. It wasn't fair that only humans got to have a whole new well-designed place for them, yet everything else was meant to be kept in Heaven.

As you both stopped at two enormous golden doors, he opened them for you to go through first, which you gladly did. You gasped, in excitement, in shock, in amusement and in happiness. Hundreds of animals were running wild around the huge room that you both had entered. Some of them were sleeping in a corner, others were playing with other species, and others were just walking around. It was like a whole civilization of different 'animals' coexisting together. "It's fascinating, my Lord" You say with a huge smile as you look up to him, with an excited glint in your gaze as you look at the creatures again. He smiled warmly in return.

"Oh my Lord! That's a horse! They can run up to 55 kilometers per hour, and they are super reliable and friendly to travel with! Is that a turtle? And that's a meerkat, ohh it's adorable!" You start muttering to yourself as you walk around the animals, God following close behind you as you recite each of their names with the biggest smile ever on your face, not having been this entertained since you had discovered the stars, which was one of your obsessions.

As you crouch down to a sleeping huge creature, you gasp a little bit, not recognizing it from the book, how is it possible? It was a four-legged one, with a lot of fur, orange and brown. As you approach your hand to his fur, before you can caress him a boyish voice speaks up.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, it bites, trust me, I have tried it before" He says. "It's not in the book of creations. Why?" You questioned mindlessly, too caught up on the new creature unknown to you, not processing the fact that it was a new voice speaking to you. "We still have to finish its design" Another voice replied, slightly deeper than the first one.

"We?" you muttered to yourself in confusion, and as you turn around, you immediately gasp at the sight. It was an angel, six-winged, a light golden halo floating on top of his head, next to him a shorter one. They both looked the same, except for some specific features, like the height, the shape of their noses and the curve of their eyes, the hairstyle was another thing that made it easier to see that they both weren't that similar. You found yourself enchanted by their beauty, it was no joke they were just angelically beautiful, sharp features yet a soft gaze. Blond platinum hair. How could hair look that shiny and healthy? Both had sky blue eyes, a red hue of red decorating each of their cheeks, that was something curious. As you stared at them for a little longer, you sensed the entity next to you putting a hand on your shoulder to snap you out of your trance.

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