Chapter 16: Talking About The Past & Bonding Time.

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| Roxanne Wolf's Green Room

After hearing what Chica had said about Roxy, Freddy had left his green room to go and talk with her, but that resulted in leaving both Gregory and Vanessa behind, as he headed straight to Roxanne's room which was next door to his room. Meanwhile, Roxy had scanned the area and detected that Freddy was nearby.

"Perfect." Roxy quietly said to herself, as she then began to prepare herself, as she laid head in her hands with her elbows resting on her dressing table as she then began to practice her fake crying, so that it could sound convincing to Freddy.

"You are the best... you will easily make him believe you're "fake" crying, and once that happens, he'll believe me and I'll make him trust me to the point he'll either tell me he's working with the boy or not." Roxy said to herself as she all of a sudden heard the sound of her door opening, which caught her by surprise as she quickly turned her head around.

"Who's there!" She called out until she saw Freddy standing in the entrance of her room, she replaced her sad face with an angry one before raising her voice.

"Freddy! Get out of my room NOW! And also, haven't you heard of knocking?!" She yelled.

"I'm so sorry Roxanne, but Chica told me what happened with you and Monty, and I apologize for not knocking. I just wanted to know if you are okay?" Freddy asked in a worried voice tone, as the wolf sniffed and looked away from the animatronic bear and back to her mirror, as she laid her head back down on her metal hands before deciding to stand up from her chair.

"Yes! I'm perfectly fine Fazbear, now leave me alone, before I get you out myself!" She shouted as she then crossed her arms over her chest.

Freddy didn't seem to believe his friend after telling him that she was fine, but instead of leaving like Roxy had told him too, he did the complete opposite as he stepped a little closer to her.

"Don't lie to me Roxy. I'm your friend, you don't have to hide your feelings from me." Freddy said in a gentle voice tone towards the wolf, who then snarled in anger.

"I'm not lying! NOW get out of my ROOM already and LEAVE ME ALONE!" Roxy stomped her foot in anger as she pointed her finger towards her door, gesturing Freddy to leave her alone.

"Roxanne, I'm not going to leave until you tell me what's wrong." The robotic bear said as he gave the animatronic wolf a stern look since he of course wasn't buying her act.

Roxy then let out a frustrated sigh as she sniffed.

In Roxy's robotic mind, she was glad that her plan was going smoothly, even though Freddy entering her room unannounced almost caused her plan to flop, but she was glad she was also good at improvising. Roxy thought of ways to improve her plan, so that it goes just the way she hoped.

She knew Freddy wasn't going to leave her room, but she was expecting this, because if anyone knew Freddy, it was her.

Freddy was always the one to go by the books, and would always be the one to help her and the others out whenever something was going on with them. Roxy realized that she had been silent for a few seconds, since Freddy tilted his head a bit to the side, as the animatronic wolf quickly replied back to him, so that he wouldn't think that she's up to something.

"Fine! I feel like I'm total loser! THERE! Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?" Roxy said, as Freddy's expression softened up, as he also knew full well that something else was up and that she wasn't telling him the full story.

"Roxanne, please, just tell me... Why do you feel like that all of a sudden?" Freddy asked calmly. As Roxy took a moment before finally giving him an answer.

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