Chapter 18: Escape From The Atrium! Who is William Afton?!

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| Atrium Security Office

The monitors continued to stream the Master Man's face, with his true name now revealed to both Gregory and Vanessa as William Afton.

The alarm kept blaring loudly as Afton continued laughing out loud as the monitors kept repeating his evil laugh before the screen on the monitor glitched out, ending the evil masterminds broadcast.

Suddenly the sound of banging came from outside the doors, the security guard then looked at the security camera monitors showing Monty aggressively pounding at the door as Roxy and Chica tried to find other ways to get inside.

"Gregory, we need to get out of here now!" Vanessa suggested as she grabbed the boy's hand.

"B-But what about Freddy!" He shouted as he pointed at Freddy's limp body. "We can't leave him here!"

"Don't worry, he'll be okay, but right now your safety is MORE important than ever! I don't know who this William Afton creep is, but whatever this guy's got planned, is probably not good!" She said as she grabbed her new security baton and handed it to Gregory for him to defend himself with, sure she would use it, but Gregory had no weapon.

"Here take this stun stick. I found it at the Prize Counter office. It should be useful for you, just push that button and you'll shock the Glamrock's which will stun them for a short while. I'll cover you." She reassured, as she pulled out her taser from its holster. Gregory nodded but took a quick glance at Freddy before looking back ahead at her.

Vanessa carefully walked towards the door and hovered her hand at the button, as she then turned towards the brunette child, preparing themselves for what they were about to face, once she opened the door.

"Ready?" The blonde woman asked, before Gregory nodded and immediately pressed the button as the door opened with Monty stopping his assault on the door with Roxy and Chica standing behind the alligator.

"THERE YOU ARE! Get ready to feel some massive PAIN after we're done with you two!" Monty roared in a threatening voice tone, but before he could swing his claws at them.

Vanessa quickly jabbed her weapon towards the side of his snout before pulling the trigger on her taser and immediately shocking the alligator, as he roared in pain from getting shocked.

"Hurry, before they catch you!" Vanessa shouted as she grabbed Gregory's hand and they both began fleeing out of the security office as they avoided both Roxy and Chica's attacks as the two humans ran past them and back into the open floor of the Atrium.

The security guard with the boy in tow both quickly stopped in the middle of the Atrium, looking around for a place to retreat, before the blonde's eyes looked around for a moment until they landed onto the Prize Counter as Vanessa thought that the Prize Counter could be their only ticket to escape.

"Quick! Let's head over to the Prize Counter and take the elevator back to the entrance and hide out in the Lost and Found room! The animatronics can't find us in there!" The blonde suggested as Gregory nodded as he let go of her hand and ran beside her trying his best to keep up with the security guard. But suddenly behind them they heard metallic footsteps that sounded very quick.

Gregory slightly looked back and his eyes immediately widened as he saw that Roxy was chasing after them.

"You can't outrun me, I'VE GOT YOU NOW!" The wolf yelled as she then leaped towards the boy and the security guard, by instinct both Gregory and Vanessa jumped out of the way successfully dodging the animatronic wolf's pounce attack.

The boy then began to back away as fast as he could but by accident he bumped right into Chica as his eyes widened in fear as he quickly raised his head up to look at Chica looking down at him as they made eye contact with the chicken's purple glowing eyes staring right back at him, almost as if they were looking directly at his soul.

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