Chapter 17: Planning Next Move! The Master Man's Identity Revealed!

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| Rockstar Row Entrance Hallway

After taking a break at Rockstar Row inside of Freddy's room for a while, and eventually leaving. The trio had finally decided to continue on with their main objective, which was to defeat Vanny, and find a way to free the animatronics from her control, and also figure out who the Master Man is, and what his and Vanny's main goal was.

But before they could continue their investigation, they decided to head back to the Main Atrium for starters and work their way from there. Meanwhile, Freddy was carrying the boy on his shoulder, as Gregory wanted to rest his legs for a little bit longer so that he could be prepared to run, in case something were to happen, as Gregory has already mentally prepared himself for any situation thrown at him at this point.

Vanessa walked in front of them as the animatronic followed behind as his eyes helped in lighting the way for them, as the three were making their way through the quiet and dark hallway with dim neon lights, that somewhat lit up the area, and the only sounds that were heard were the sound of Freddy's metallic heavy footsteps, and the gentle taps of Vanessa's work shoes on the floor, as each step sounded the same as the other.

They haven't said anything to each other for a little while after leaving Rockstar Row, but eventually Gregory was the first to break the ice, since he started to feel impatient after Vanessa told him they needed to take the long way there, just to avoid the animatronics.

"Ugh! Vanessa! Are we even close to the main Atrium yet? Like at all? I'm tired of waiting!" Gregory groaned with impatience present in his voice, as the child wondered why they had to take the long way back to the Atrium.

"Hold your horses kid, we'll be there shortly, just wait a little more and we'll get there eventually." Vanessa replied as she walked, Gregory huffed as Freddy simply just agreed with the security guard.

"She's right, we'll get there as soon as possible." Freddy said in a calm voice tone as they continued walking down the hall, however as Vanessa continued walking she suddenly then remembered the nightmare that she had earlier back inside Freddy's room, she then came to a sudden halt, making both Freddy stop in his tracks as Gregory had an expression full of confusion on why they all of sudden stopped moving.

"Huh? Why did we stop?" The boy asked, confused about the security guard's sudden halt.

"Everything okay, Officer Vanessa?" Freddy also asked.

Vanessa remained silent for a moment as she then envisioned that nightmare again. The blonde woman pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out a quiet gasp, trying to push back the thought away from her mind.

She then turned her head back a little so that Freddy and Gregory don't get worried about what's going on with her.

"I-It... It's nothing. I just... thought of something personal, nothing more, let's just keep going, we're almost there." She said as she continued walking, but behind her both the boy and animatronic had concerned and worried expressions for the security guards action. Gregory then leaned closer to Freddy as he whispered.

"Freddy." The boy whispered as he got the animatronic bear's attention. "Do you really believe everything is okay with her? Because I've noticed something a bit off about her. Like I've noticed that she looks like she's being secretive about something bothering her, and not wanting to share. Meanwhile, sometimes she also acts like a caring and trustworthy person. It's like she's two different people, like what's going on there?"

The animatronic was intrigued by this, as he took a moment to reply back to his question.

"I know what you mean, but I am also not sure myself. Every time I ask her what's wrong or offer to help out, she would always either shrug it off, and never answer any of my questions. She never says anything about herself, and her personal life. Which concerns me a little." Freddy explained as this information perked Gregory's attention as he wanted to know a little bit more about her from the animatronics perspective.

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