Chapter 19: Fazbear Entertainment's Hidden History!

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| Vanessa's Office

Both Freddy and Gregory continued to remain still as they're faces were still full of shock after finding out that William Afton was the original Co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment, and what was surprising was that he was also the business partner of Henry Emily, who was said to be the original CEO and only founder of the company, back when it was founded in the early 80s and never once was William Afton ever mentioned.

Which was a huge shocker for Vanessa as she was part of the group of employees believing everything her boss had told her about the history of the company, but it seemed that she and the other employees working for the company have all been lied too.

Especially ever since the current owner who was a billionaire, bought and took over the company and became its new CEO.

The current CEO of Fazbear Entertainment would always disregard the rumors and especially take an even huge step by making a VR game about the company's history, as all he wanted was for people to forget about all the incidents and tragedies that happened in the past that ruined the company's reputation and made people have a negative impression of the company, to the point where the company had no choice but to file for bankruptcy after losing Henry Emily, and another Fazbear location burning to the ground once again.

So it made sense for her to be shocked after finding out that somebody as messed up as William Afton, was Henry Emily's old partner back in the day when Fazbear Entertainment was first founded; it disgusted her, knowing that she had been lied too for the time she had worked for this greedy company; finding out about all of this, it made Vanessa feel like she was betrayed, she couldn't believe that the CEO would hide the truth, all because he wanted the company to have a positive reputation among the public.

"That bastard." She thought to herself in utter disgust and anger.

Freddy on the other hand took this shocking truth much more personally as hearing about William Afton's sinister deeds and involvement with the company made him feel disgusted and especially question his own existence, he wondered if he truly was intended to be an entertainer for children was he meant for something else, something much worse.

"No… it can't be… it's not true! It cannot be TRUE! None of this information can be true! There was never someone by the name of William Afton in the company! Henry Emily was said to be the only founder of Fazbear Entertainment, and no one else! The CEO never once mentioned anyone by the name of Afton in the company's history EVER!" Freddy exclaimed in slight panic after finding out the biggest secret that was kept from not only him, but to everyone in Hurricane, Utah.

"How can someone as cold hearted as HIM help start the company, if it was clearly stated that only Mr. Emily founded the company by himself! My friends and I's systems were made to entertain children, not to murder or harm them!" Freddy continued to have an existential crisis as he suddenly began to envision his older models in his robotic mind.

The fact that his older counterparts were built by this madman, made him question his creation, and wondered what his original purpose was, but before his CPU could think of anything else, Vanessa immediately broke him out of his crisis before he got even worse and before his system crashed.

"Whoa! Freddy, get a hold of yourself! Remember, this guy is not in charge of the company now! Heck, he wasn't even the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment back then, as he was apparently fired from the company sometime later by Henry himself, but I can see why my boss never told me anything about this. The company really does want to undo the bad scars, that Afton left behind." Vanessa explained, as Freddy calmed himself down a bit, as he placed a hand on his chest, feeling a bit relieved, but still, thinking about his older counterparts, and especially the idea of being created by William Afton terrified him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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