Ye who forgot himself

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Three years have passed, I learned that this whole world is based on this one thing I've always read before. Union academy universe.

"Once again hello viewers! We're here at Vale, to see a once in a decade festival!" The announcer said as the camera pans outside the stadium

It showed none other than amity coliseum haven't seen that arena in years, I wonder..I want to see amity coliseum in person, but that would mean I need to get high enough scores and recognition...


An idea came into mind, why not live the life of an extra here? I don't like fame, and I definitely don't want to get involved with some major plot points, I just want to blend into the background.

Well why don't we get started with 'that' I mean by 'that' is exploring my house.

Enough watching the television, with my small hands and feet I carried myself  up to the second floor I don't know why but being 3 years old while trying to climb the stairs is kind of tiring... Especially if the stairs is long.

Regardless I managed to get up, exploring the second floor as time passed, noticing that the house isn't big nor small, it was of the right size that was the moment I realized I was born in a upper middle class family.

But I get it, being a kid here, I would be curious about things in this world, especially since I got reincarnated here, furthermore—

"Now, now, what do you think you're doing?"  A person interrupted my monologue as two hands picked me up I came face to face with this person.

None other than my mother, Alia her fair skin and ocean blue eyes, platinum  colored hair, are captivating, no doubt a beauty I still can't believe father got her.

The mystery of the parents, pretty cool if you ask me.

"How's the touring going my little star~" She said as she gently pressed my nose.

"Good" that's what I can only say, she gently put me back to the first floor, damn I was getting close to their room, come on..

I only could helplessly stare as she  walked away leaving me alone on the couch.

I couldn't do anything for the moment, I raise my left arm trying to grab the light being emitted by the lightbulb, a goal that I want to achieve. wanting to live as best as possible here.

I guess that will do for now, I closed my eyes dozing off, waiting for the arrival of my parents.


Nighttime, I was escorted to bed by my father, it wasn't anything special but the view from the window is captivating. Stars filled the sky and the light of the moon shone through, if this was in my previous world this view will increase the house's value.

"Good night little star." father bid goodbye as both my parents left the room, I turned my gaze towards the window, things like this...I wish I could see them in my past life before...

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