Volume 2: Union Academy...but something's different...

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I finally got to Union Academy, the start of all the stories of those fics, but hey guess the butterfly effect really does affect things.

Instead of the usual headmaster aka Ozpin, it was none other than Fujimaru Ritsuka, I won't deny he does look cool with that cane and cape.

He observed everyone that was waiting for his speech as for me, I activated my semblance making me just blend in the crowd like a nobody. He sighed before he began his speech.

"To all the new students of Union Academy, welcome to a new stage of your life! In this academy all of you will be trained by the best of the best, and all of you shall achieve great honor as the academy is the best if not, the greatest you'll ever be in. I am...not so acquainted with all of you but I want to make sure that this year will be the greatest for all of you! Now some of you are wondering, where is the previous headmaster? Ozpin? The old man has passed his position to me as of today, I'll be your new headmaster!"

Murmurs of the new students slowly rose from everyone, is the new headmaster capable? Is he really the headmaster he looks too young to be one, rumors after rumors and rumors. My ears were invaded by such I almost turned off my semblance.

Little do they know...

The louder the murmurs of the students the more I can see the forced smile of Sensei, oh.. he's gonna blow up..

But he didn't, he only took a deep breath and—

"Silence" his voice boomed across the academy, all of the student went to their knees including me this much pressure!

This is—

"Listen well and listen carefully, if all of you did not think that I'm incapable then this thing would've not have happened" his voice, filled with anger.

After a few minutes, the pressure died down and all of the students began to breathe normally again. And so he leaves the podium leaving only the new students to themselves.

Geez...it only has been at least more than what 5 years or so? How strong has he become? That's the only question I have in mind, regardless, I made my way to the evaluation site of the academy.

Wait hold on....I...I don't see anyone in the main cast, that's not right... A bit shocked and intrigued I stealthily went up a rooftop to survey the area.

100, 200, 400.... Almost 50,000 students gathered at the evaluation site... hahaha...what the hell...?

Throughout all of the new students here, there is not one of the main cast of  the typical Union Academy fics...this is...


Jumping down from my vantage point I made my way back to the center of the crowd and waited For evaluation to start.

If I'm correct...judging from the timeline of things, best I could predict is the main cast will be here once I'm already a second year... Haha....what an interesting development..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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